Wednesday 14 July 2010

Sakine's son, Sajjad, has been summoned by the Ministry of Intelligence in Iran

Press Release No.16

Sajjad, the son of Sakine Mohammadi-Ashtiaani,
summond by the Ministry of Intelligence in Tabriz

An information source of the International Committee Against Execution in Tabriz reports that Sajjad, the 22-year-old son of Sakine Mohammadi-Ashtiaani, has been summond to office 37 of the Tabriz branch of the Ministry of Intelligence today. The summon has been issued by Hoseyn Nobakht, Tabriz assistant public prosecutor. According to the source, it is not yet clear if Sajjad has actually presented himself to the said office. It is obvious to all those familiar with the Islamic Republic that such summons are aimed at pressurring the victims physically and emotionally.

The International Committee Against Executions vehemently condemns any threat, summon and persecution by the forces of oppression of the Islamic regime directed against the children of Sakine Mohammadi-Ashtiaani. The Committee also calls on all people across the world to strongly condemn the Islamic Republic’s conduct.

International Committee Against Execeutions
July 14, 2010

Tel: 0049-177-569-2413


  1. Iran government officials do not follow their own laws! Sakineh should be released immediately! The eyes of the entire world are on Iran right now. This is a great opportunity for Iran to improve their image on the world stage. There is no disgrace in pardoning someone, it is honorable to exert such authority!

  2. I am praying that you will not put to death anyone by stoning unless they are murderers. All other crimes are not uforgivable. God forgives every one and we are not to judge unless God will cast a shadow over you ad your country. I wll do the Tasbih for you and for the Goveernment to let Sakine Mohammadi-Ashtiaani,
    be set free. My prayers and all the prayers of all countrys are held together in a vile in heaves and God hears thes cries and will answer God never fails, he will hold Sakine up less she dash her foot against the stone.
    Please realese this mom and reunite her with her family I pray.
