Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Shahla Jahed to be executed tomorrow, Wednesday 1 December

According to information received by the International Committee against Execution Shahla Jahed’s family and lawyer have been informed that Shahla will be executed tomorrow, Wednesday 1 December, in Evin prison. We are asking everyone to immediately voice your protest by calling, faxing and emailing your protests to the Islamic Regime’s authorities in Iran as well as their embassies abroad and to also lobby your political representatives, MPs, MEPs and UN bodies. Please do it right now to save Shahla Jahed from execution.


1. Send letters of condemnation to the Islamic regime of Iran right away:

Head of the Judiciary
Sadeqh Larijani
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh (Office of the Head of the Judiciary)
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri
Tehran 1316814737, Iran
Email: info@dadiran.ir or via website: http://www.dadiran.ir/tabid/75/Default.aspx
First starred box: your given name; second starred box: your family name; third: your email address

Head of the Judiciary in East Azerbaijan Province
Malek-Ashtar Sharifi
Office of the Head of the Judiciary in Tabriz
East Azerbaijan, Iran

Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street - Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Iran
Email: via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letter (English)
http://www.leader.ir/langs/fa/index.php?p=letter (Persian)

Secretary General, High Council for Human Rights
Mohammad Javad Larijani
Howzeh Riassat-e Ghoveh Ghazaiyeh
Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri
Tehran 1316814737, Iran
Fax: +98 21 3390 4986
Email: bia.judi@yahoo.com

2. At the UN



3. Iranian embassies abroad

Iranian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan
Shir Pur SQ . Share Now Ave.
Eastern Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-2101391/5
Fax: 0093-2101397

Iranian Embassy in Canberra, Australia
25 Culgoa Circuit
O'Malley ACT 2606
P.O. Box 705, Mawson
ACT 2607
Tel: (+61) 2 6290 2427, 6290 7000
Fax: (+61) 2 6290 2825, 6290 2825

Iranian Embassy in Vienna, Austria
Jauresgasse 9 - A1030
Vienna, Austria
Tel: +431+7122657
Fax: +431+7135733

Iranian Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil
SES av. das Naes, Quadra 809 - Lote 31
Brasilia-D.F. CEP: 70421-900
Tel: (61) 3242-5733
Fax: (61) 3242-5733

Iranian Embassy in Ottawa, Canada
245 Metcalfe St.
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2K2 Canada
Tel: (613) 235-4726

Iranian Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark
Svanemollevej No. 48, 2100 kbh Ø
Tel: + 45 +39160003
Fax: + 45 +39160075

Iranian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P.O.Box : 70488
Addis Ababa
Tel: 200794 - 712012

Iranian Embassy in Helsinki, Finland
Kulosaarentie 9, 00570
Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358-9-6869 240
Fax: +358-9-6869 2410

Iranian Embassy in Berlin, Germany


Podbielskiallee 67, 14195 Berlin

Tel: 0049 (30) 84353399 / 0049 (30) 843530

Fax: 0049 (30) 84353535

Iranian Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany
Raimundstraß 90
Tel: +49 (0) 69 56 000 739/40
Fax: +49 (0) 69 56 000 728

Iranian Embassy in Budapest, Hungary
1143 Stefania ut 97
Tel: 361+4609260
Fax: 361+4609430

Iranian Embassy in New Delhi, India
5, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi # 110001
Tel: +91-11-23329600/1
Fax: +91-11-23325493

Iranian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 110, Menteng
Jakarta 10310
Tel: +62-21-331378, 3107860
Fax: +62-21-3107860

Iranian Embassy in Dublin, Ireland
72 Mount Merrion Ave.
Blackrock Co.
Dublin, Ireland
Tel: (003531) 2885881, 2880252
Fax: (003531) 2834246

Iranian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
No. 1, Lrg Uthant Satu
55000 Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan
Tel: +3-4251 5576

Iranian Embassy in Oslo, Norway
Drammens veien 88 E
0244 Oslo
Tel: (+47) 23 27 29 60
Fax: (+47) 22 55 49 19

Iranian Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa
1002 Schoeman St. Hatfield
0083 Pretoria , South Africa
Tel: +27 (012) 342 58 80/1
Fax: +27 (012) 342 18 78

Iranian Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden

Elfviksvägen Västra Yttringe gård LIDINGÖ
Tel: 46 + 8 + 63 63 600/30
Fax: 46 + 8 + 63 63 626

Iranian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
P.O. Box 4080 Abu Dhabi
Tel: +9712 4447618
Fax: +9712 4448714

Iranian Embassy in London, United Kingdom


16 Prince's Gate

London SW7 1PT
Tel: (44) 20-7225 3000
Fax: ( +44) 20 7589 4440

Iranian Consulate in Caracas, Venezuela
Quinta Onmat Calle Kemal Ataturk Urb.
Valle Arriba, Caracas
Tel: 0058-212 9921854
Fax: 0058-212 9929989

For more information, contact:

Mina Ahadi, International Committee against Execution and International Committee against Stoning

minaahadi@aol.com; Tel: +49 (0) 1775692413,

http://stopstonningnow.com, http://notonemoreexecution.org

Maryam Namazie, Iran Solidarity,

iransolidaritynow@gmail.com, +44 7719166731,

www.iransolidarity.org.uk, iransolidarity.blogspot.com

Some background on Shahla Jahed’s case


Shahla Jahed: Today's Message from Evin Prison پيام امروز شهلا جاهد از زندان اوين

A few minutes ago, Shahla Jahed called me from Evin prison on the phone, and while thanking for all of the efforts that have been made to save her, said that she has received the execution sentence [they have given her the paper], and she is supposed to be hanged tomorrow morning. I call upon all of the people of the world, all political parties and organizations, and all of the governments, that in these moments of crisis, with all of their power, and in whatever way, try to halt this act of murder. There is little hope left to save Shahla, but it is still possible and it is our duty to prevent this from happening. Shahla did not call only to say goodbye. This, her last message, in fact is a call to us to do our utmost to save her life.

Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Execution
Thursday, November 30, 2010
9 Azar 1389
2:00 Tehran local time

دقايقي قبل شهلا جاهد از زندان اوين تلفني با من تماس گرفت و ضمن تشکر از تلاشهايي که تا کنون براي نجات او انجام گرفته است٬ گفت که حکم اجراي اعدامش را دريافت کرده است و قرار است فردا صبح به دار آويخته شود.

من از همه مردم جهان٬ از همه احزاب و سازمانها و از همه دولتها ميخواهم که در اين لحظات حساس با تمام قدرت و به هر شيوه اي که ميتوانند تلاش کنند تا جلوي اين جنايت را بگيريم.

اميد کمي براي نجات شهلا باقي مانده است اما هنوز ميتوان و ما موظفيم مانع اجراي اين حکم بشويم.
شهلا تنها براي خداحافظي زنگ نزد٬ اين آخرين پيام او٬ در واقع دعوتي از ما است تا تمام کوشش خود را براي نجات او بکار بگيريم.

مينا احدي
سخنگوي کميته بين الملي عليه اعدام
سه شنبه 30 نوامبر 2010
9 آذر 1389

Friday, 26 November 2010

Protest in Waterford, Ireland today in support of Sakineh and Shahla

There is going to be a protest today in front of The Book Centre in Waterford, Ireland in support of Shahla Jahed, Sakineh Ahstiani, her son Sajjad, her lawyer Houtan Kian and the two German journalists. The protest is also in support of Political and Child prisoners, waiting to be executed.

London protest to stop state-sponsored violence in Iran

On the International Day for the Elimination of violence against Women,25 November, Iran Solidarity UK highlighted the plight of women in Iran under the state-sponsored violence of the Islamic Republic.

(all above by Stephen Burrows on Demotix)

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The hope of saving Sakineh's life is higher than ever

PR No. 102
22 November 2010

The International Campaign to "Save Sakineh" continues in full force

Today, Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of human rights council in the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, announced via Press TV that there is a good chance of saving Sakineh's life. But according to existing conflicting statements from various government officials in the Islamic Republic of Iran, nobody is absolutely certain that Sakineh's life will be spared. Larijani's comments can be interpreted that there is a chance, yet the pressure on the Isamic Republic should not be reduced for a second.

The International Campaign to "Save Sakineh" started six months ago and this has prevented the Islamic Republic from being able to execute or stone Sakineh to death. Larijani has previously said that Sakineh had her weekly visits [with her children] and was not under any pressure, when in reality, Sakineh had been flogged and was being held incommunicado. In fact, Larijani lied about Sakineh’s circumstances to elevate the reputation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Just two days before, Hojatoleslam Malek Sharif, the head of the judiciary in Eastern Azerbaijan, stressed that as soon as Sakineh's stoning case get final approval, the sentence would be served. These contradictions and confusions within the Islamic regime are caused by the pressure from the ongoing international campaign to "Save Sakineh" which must continue without interruption.

As long as the Islamic Republic has not officially overturned the sentence to execute or stone Sakineh to death, and as long as she, Sajjad, Houtan and the two German journalists have not been released from prison, the international campaign to "Save Sakineh" will continue in full force.

International Committee Against Stoning
International Committee Against Execution
Spokesperson: Mina Ahadi minaahadi@aol.com

Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Execution
International Committee against Stoning
Email: minaahadi@aol.com
Tel: 0049 (0) 1775692413

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

This Thursday, 25 November we are marking International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

On Thursday we will gather to think of the women in Iran who are being victimised by the state-sponsored violence of the Islamic Republic’s regime.

We will be talking about Iranian women who are suffering from the gender-based violence by the regime. Among them of course Sakineh Ashtiani and Shahla Jahed; both of whom have been sentenced to death.

We are asking people to bring names, photos and life stories of Iranian women as we will be reading out their names and stories.

Organiser: Iran Solidarity UK

Where: Trafalgar Square, North Terrace, London

Date Thursday 25 November 2010

Time: 1-3pm

Contact: Patty Debonitas


Mob 079507978745

Monday, 22 November 2010

Protests in Sweden this Tuesday & Thursday

As part of the urgent action week to save Shahla Jahed and Sakineh Ashtiani from execution and to free Sakineh's son, her lawyer and the two German journalists, there are two protests planned in Sweden for Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Time: 23 November, 1-3 pm
Place: Brunnsparken

Time: 25 November, 4.30-6 pm
Place: Gustav Adolfs Torget

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Demonstrations in Germany, Saturday Nov 20


To Free Sakineh, Shahla Jahed, Sajjad, Hootan and the imprisoned lawyers

To Free the two German journalists

Demonstrations in Germany, Saturday Nov 20

Shahla Jahed is a young woman that the regime has decided to execute after 8 years imprisonment, on Wednesday Dec. 1. Shahla’s lawyer says that her file includes 10 legal discrepancies. Islamic Republic is at the moment incapable of executing Sakine, therefore seeks to kill Shahla to pretend that it has not surrendered to the pressure.


Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is still under the nightmare of execution and stoning in prison. Her sun Sajjad and lawyer Hootan Kian too have been arrested and tortured.

The two German journalists have been accused of espionage, and under pressure and intimidation have been forced to televised confessions merely for interviewing Sajjad and Hootan . If they treat two German citizen in this way imagine what they do to Sakineh and Shahla and people of Iran.

Hootan Kiaan and Nsrin Sotoodeh and five other lawyers were arrested and imprisons in the past few weeks.

These only demonstrate a fraction of despicable behaviour of Islamic regime and it’s inhumane judiciary apparatus.

The only way, is to intensify the international protests. I invite the people of Germany who have been outraged by all these cases to protest in front of the Islamic Republics embassy and consulates and the German town centres, holding up posters of Sakineh and Shahla and Hootan and Sajjad , the two German journalists and imprisoned lawyers and demand their immediate and unconditional release, on Saturday Nov.20. Come to the streets and condemn the Islamic Republic for its barbaric deeds. Come to the streets and in solidarity with the Iranian people protest against the Islamic regime which is a source of shame for humanity.

Mina Ahadi

Spokes person

International Committees against Execution and Stoning

Nov.17, 2010

Für die Rettung von Sakineh und Shahla Jahed, Sajjad und Hutan und den Rechtsanwälten im Gefängnis
Für die Freilassung von zwei deutschen Journalisten

Protestaufruf am Samstag, dem 20. November in Deutschland

Shahla Jahed ist eine junge Frau, über welche die Islamische Regierung im Iran beschlossen hat nach acht Jahren im Gefängnis am 1. Dezember hinzurichten. Shahlas Anwalt sagt, dass ihr Fall zehn rechtliche Einwände hat. Die Islamische Regierung kann derzeit nicht Sakineh Ashtiani hinrichten, daher hat sie beschlossen, Shahla zu töten um zu zeigen, dass sie unter dem Druck nicht kapituliert.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani befindet sich immer noch mit Alpträumen über den drohenden Tod durch Steinigung und Hinrichtung im Gefängnis. Sajjad, ihr Sohn, und Hutan Kian, ihr Anwalt, wurden ebenfalls verhaftet und gefoltert.

Zwei deutsche Journalisten sind durch das islamische Regime nur wegen des Interviews mit Sajjad und Hutan der Spionage beschuldigt worden. Sie wurden unter Druck und Drohung erzwungen Geständnisse im Fernsehen abzulegen.

Wenn dieses barbarische Regime mit zwei deutschen Staatsbürgern so umgeht, können Sie sich vorstellen was es mit Sakineh, Shahla und den Menschen im Iran macht.

Hutan Kian, Nasrin Sotude und fünf weitere Anwälte wurden in den vergangenen Wochen verhaftet und eingesperrt.

Dies sind zeigt nur einen kleinen Teil von dem verabscheuungswürdigen Verhalten des islamischen Staates und seiner unmenschlichen Justiz.

Der einzige Weg ist ein verbreiteter Protest weltweit.

Ich lade die freiheitsliebenden Menschen in Deutschland ein, am Samstag, den 20. November vor der islamischen Konsulaten oder in den Stadtzentren zu versammeln und die Bilder von Sakine, Shahla, Sajjad, Hutan, die zwei Journalisten und die Anwälte hochzuheben und deren sofortige und bedingungslose Freilassung zu fordern.

Veranstaltet Protestaktionen und verurteilt die Islamische Republik wegen ihres grausamen Verhaltens. Kommt auf die Straße, in Solidarität mit der iranischen Bevölkerung und gegen die islamische Regierung, die eine Schande für die Menschheit ist.

Mina Ahadi
Sprecher des Internationalen Komitees gegen Steinigung und Hinrichtung
17. November 2010

Unser Vorhaben: Am Samstag, dem 20. November in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln und möglichst viele anderen Städten in Deutschland.

برای نجات سکينه و شهلا جاهد، سجاد و هوتن و وکلای زندانی

برای آزادی دو خبرنگار آلمانی

شنبه ٢٠ نوامبر تظاهرات در آلمان

شهلا جاهد، يک زن جوان است که حکومت تصمیم گرفته است او را پس از ٨ سال زندان، روز چهارشنبه ۱ دسامبر اعدام کند. وکیل شهلا میگوید پرونده او ده ایراد حقوقی دارد. جمهوری اسلامی دل حال حاضر نمیتواند سکینه را اعدام کند میخواهد شهلا را بکشد که بگوید تسلیم فشارها نشده ام.

سکینه محمدی آشتیانی، همچنان با کابوس اعدام و سنگسار در زندان است. پسرش سجاد و وکیلش هوتن کیان هم دستگیر و شکنجه شده اند.

دو خبرنگار آلمانی، صرفا به جرم مصاحبه با سجاد و هوتن متهم به جاسوسی شده و زیر فشار و تهدید وادار به اعترافات تلویزیونی شده اند. با دو شهروند آلمان که چنین رفتاری میکنند میتوانید تصور کنید با سکینه و شهلا و با مردم ایران چه میکنند!

هوتن کیان و نسرین ستوده و پنج وکیل دیگر در هفته های گذشته دستگیر و زندانی شده اند.

اینها گوشه ای از رفتار شنیع حکومت اسلامی و سیستم ضدانسانی قضائی اش را نشان میدهد.

تنها راه گسترش اعتراض در سطح بین المللی است. از مردم آلمان که به خاطر همه این موارد به خشم آمده اند دعوت ميکنم که روز شنبه ۲۰ نوامبر در مقابل سفارت و کنسولگری های جمهوری اسلامی و در مراکز همه شهرهای آلمان با در دست داشتن عکس های سکینه و شهلا، هوتن و سجاد، دو خبرنگار آلمانی و وکلای زندانی دست به تجمع بزنید و خواهان آزادی فوری و بی قید و شرط همه آنها شوید. به خیابان بیائید و جمهوری اسلامی را به خاطر رفتارهای وحشیانه ای محکوم کنید. به خیابان بیائید و در همبستگی با مردم ایران به حکومت اسلامی که مایه ننگ بشریت است اعتراض کنید.

مینا احدی

سخنگوی کمیته های بین المللی علیه اعدام و سنگسار

١٧ نوامبر ٢٠١٠

وعده ما شنبه ۲۰ نوامبر

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Islamic Republic’s TV Show against Sakineh and the Arrestees of This Case

PR No. 97
15 November 2010

In tonight’s airing of news program “Eight-thirty,” the Islamic Republic’s “Seda va Sima” aired a clip of the Information Ministry obtaining “confessions” from its prisoners. In this program, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, her son Sajjad Ghaderzadeh, her lawyer Houtan Kian and the two German journalists associated with Bild Am Sonntag magazine were forced to testify against themselves.

The two German journalists, Houtan, and Sajjad were arrested on October 10 while they were conducting an interview in Houtan Kian’s office. Sajjad and Houtan were immediately tortured and to this day have been deprived of visitation right and having solicitors. The two German journalists too remain imprisoned on charges of interviewing them!

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s goal in airing this program is to agitate public opinion against Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and Mina Ahadi, yet despite all efforts, in and of itself the program is a powerful reflection of the international campaign to save Sakineh and gives a tenacious portrayal of Mina Ahadi, her humanitarian efforts and exposes the Islamic Republic of Iran.

For the sake of clarification, it is necessary to reiterate that the two German journalists did not travel to Iran on the request of the International Committee against Execution or Mina Ahadi. These two journalists had travelled to Iran to report and to do interviews on their own volition. They contacted Mina Ahadi and asked for her assistance in contacting Sajjad, and once there, asked for Mina Ahadi’s help with interpretation.

More than anything else, the confessions of the five under pressure and torture exposes the Islamic Republic of Iran and its brutal nature.

In the past five months, under one of the most powerful international campaigns which was initiated by Mina Ahadi and the Committees against Stoning and Execution, the Islamic Republic’s officials have issued numerous contradictory announcements, but the harder they have tried, the more they have exposed themselves and the reality that is the Islamic Republic of Iran. They aimed to go ahead with the execution of Sakineh on several occasions, but the pressure of this global campaign has forced them to retreat. This recent attempt too will lead to even more indignation.

We strongly condemn the Islamic Republic for forcing prisoners to testify against themselves, and call upon the world’s citizens, organizations and international institutions to condemn the Islamic Republic and demand the immediate release of Sakineh, Sajjad, Houtan and the two German journalists, as well as all those sentenced to stoning, and expand their activities for their rescue.

International Committee against Stoning
International Committee against Execution
Nov 15, 2010

To see the clip from the Islamic Republic of Iran's TV programme

For more information, contact:

Mina Ahadi, International Committee against Execution and International Committee against Stoning: minaahadi@aol.com; Tel: +49 (0) 1775692413, http://stopstonningnow.com, http://notonemoreexecution.org

Monday, 15 November 2010

REMINDER OF UPCOMING EVENTS: 20 November private art gallery viewing and 11 December conference on Apostasy, Sharia Law and Human Rights


One Law for All is pleased to present a private viewing of an art exhibition in London on 20 November 2010 from 18.30-21.30 hours in which a group of international artists address the controversial subject of religion and human rights. The exhibition includes pieces on the veil, female genital mutilation, child ‘marriage’ and women’s oppression.To RSVP your attendance for the private viewing, please send your name and telephone number to onelawforall@gmail.com. The private viewing will be held at UNIT 24 Gallery, 24 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0FD. Our panel of judges author Polly Toynbee, singer Deeyah and secularist Terry Sanderson will select their favourite pieces for special mention at the private viewing. You can find out more about the art exhibition and artists here. The exhibition will be open to the public from 21-27 November 2010.


To mark International Human Rights Day, we are co-sponsoring an all day conference on Apostasy, Sharia Law and Human Rights at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London.

The conference will highlight urgent cases including Pakistani Asia Bibi who has received a death sentence for blasphemy, Palestinian Waleed Al-Husseini who has been arrested for criticising Islam and campaigners in Iran charged with ‘enmity against God’ and demand their unconditional and immediate release. Conference registration begins at 10.00am for 11.00am start and ends at 19.00 hours, after which there will be a social gathering at a local pub.

Panel discussions include ‘International Apostasy and Religion,’ ‘Ex-Muslims in Britain and Europe’ and ‘Multiculturalism and Multifaithism versus Universal Human Rights.’

There will also be a play ‘Masculine Laws’ by Ghazi Rabihavi and a comedy act by Nick Doody.

Confirmed speakers are:
John Adams (Emeritus Professor at the University of Hertfordshire)
Mina Ahadi (Spokesperson of the International Committee against Stoning and Council of Ex-Muslims of Germany)
Roy Brown (International Representative of International Humanist and Ethical Union)
Goranka Gudelj (Outreach Coordinator of One Law for All)
Rumy Hassan (Senior Lecturer at the Science Policy Research Unit of the University of Sussex and Author of Multiculturalism: Some Inconvenient Truths)
Marieme Helie Lucas (Algerian Sociologist and Founder of Women Living Under Muslims Laws and Secularism is a Women’s Issue)
Maryam Namazie (Spokesperson of One Law for All, Iran Solidarity and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain)
Hassan Radwan (Teacher at an Islamia school for 15 years and presently Management Committee Member of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain)
Gita Sahgal (Women’s Rights Campaigner; former head of Amnesty International’s Gender Unit suspended for questioning AI’s relations with an Islamist organisation)
Hamed Abdol Samad (German-Egyptian Political Scientist and Author of Farwell to Heaven and The Collapse of the Islamic World)
Terry Sanderson (President of the National Secular Society)
Muriel Seltman (Campaigner of One Law for All)
Alom Shaha (Science Teacher, Writer and Film Maker)
Joan Smith (Writer, Columnist and Women’s Rights Campaigner)
Bahram Soroush (Human Rights Campaigner)
Peter Tatchell (Human Rights Campaigner)
Anne Marie Waters (Spokesperson of One Law for All).

To book a place at the conference, please complete the booking form found here.

Tickets are £10 for individuals; £25 for organisations and statutory bodies. the conference is free for CEMB members and asylum seekers. Donations are welcome.

The conference is sponsored by Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Iran Solidarity, National Secular Society, One Law for All and South Place Ethical Society.

Both events will be dedicated to the Iran stoning case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.

We hope to see you at our upcoming events.

For more information, please contact:
Maryam Namazie
One Law for All
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX

Sakineh’s son and lawyer are still incarcerated in single cells without visiting rights!

PR No 93
10 November 2010

The Islamic judicial system is criminal in every sense of the word!

Jaavid Hutan-Kian and Sajad Qader-Zadeh are still in solitary confinement. They are both prohibited from receiving visitors, and all their families’ efforts to establish visiting rights and employ a lawyer have been met with negative responses from the prison authorities.

Up till now, several lawyers put forward by the family and friends of Hutan-Kian in particular have been rejected by the prison authorities and their legal representatives who say that they are now the lawyers acting for this case and a decision about it will be made in Tehran. This is why they say Hutan and Sajad don’t need a lawyer!

Jaavid Hutan-Kian is diabetic and suffers from high blood pressure and so far has not been able to take his medication. We have received news that Hutan is under a lot of pressure and the false accusations of many serious wrongdoings are a plot to hurt and torment him.
Hutan-Kian’s father was a well-known person in Tabriz. In the first few years of coming to power, the Islamic Republic executed him and so Hutan’s family has been deeply wounded by the regime. According to reliable news we have received, Sakineh’s son Sajad is also under pressure. He has been tortured, harmed and injured.

The Islamic Republic tries hard to prevent all contact with Sakineh, Sajad and Hutan so that there is no possibility of news reaching the public. To neutralise this conspiracy, we need to keep their plight at the forefront of the news.

Hutan and Sajad’s present situation clearly demonstrates the criminal nature of the Islamic Republic to the world. The International Committees against Stoning and Execution strongly condemn the Islamic Republic and ask everyone to object to their anti-human behaviour.
Sakineh, Sajad and Hutan, and the two German journalists arrested in connection with this story must be freed immediately and all accusations against them dropped.

International Committee Against Stoning
International Committee Against Execution
Spokesperson: Mina Ahadi minaahadi@aol.com 0049-177-569-2413

Translated from the Persian by Susan Azadeh

Iran: Another bus worker arrested as attacks on trade unionists intensifies

Iran: Another bus worker arrested as attacks on trade unionists intensifies
Another member of Tehran’s bus workers’ union was arrested on Tuesday 10 November. Homayoon Jaaberi was detained at the Intelligence Ministry as he was making enquiries about the situation of another colleague, Gholamhosseini, who had been detained a week earlier.

Mr Jaaberi’s computer and other items have been seized from his home. Also, his wife is reported to have been threatened to co-operate with the security officials, otherwise ‘Jaaberi will be detained indefinitely’.

Jaaberi’s arrest comes in the wake of the recent detention of two other members of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, Saeed Torabian and Gholamreza Gholamhosseini. Both were physically attacked and detained on 4th November. Torabian was later released on bail; however, Gholamhosseini is still in detention.

Two other leaders of the bus workers’ union, Mansoor Ossanlou and Ebrahim Madadi, are already serving long prison sentences for union activity. Also, Reza Shahabi, another board member, has been detained since 12 June 2010 for the same reason, without charge. Ossanlou and Shahabi are said to be suffering from a number of medical conditions.

On 8 November two members of the Follow-up Committee to Set Up Free Workers’ Organisations, by the names of Seddigh Khosravi and Ebrahim Esmaily, were arrested and are being held in an unknown location.

Meanwhile, trade unionist and human rights activist Behnam Ebrahimzadeh is being detained in Ward 350 of Evin Prison in Tehran. Behnam was recently admitted to the Prison’s clinic with a bleeding stomach, following a hunger strike in protest against his continued arbitrary detention and maltreatment.

We call on all trade unions and concerned activists and individuals around the world to protest in the strongest possible terms against these outrageous attacks by the Islamic regime on worker activists in Iran.


You can help by publicising the cases of the jailed workers, signing the petition for their release, sending letters of protest to the Islamic Republic authorities, calling and/or joining protest actions in front of the Islamic Republic's embassies, etc.

Click here to sign the petition

Send letters of protest to:

Sadegh Larijani - Head of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@dadiran.ir

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: via website: http://cp.president.ir/en/

Ali Khamenei – Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letter (English)
http://www.leader.ir/langs/fa/index.php?p=letter (Persian)

Free Them Now!
Campaign to Free Jailed Workers in Iran

14 November 2010


Shahla Daneshfar (Shahla_Daneshfar@yahoo.com 0044-77798 98968)
Bahram Soroush (Bahram.Soroush@gmail.com 0044-7852 338334)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

London act of solidarity

Iran Solidarity UK held their act of solidarity on Saturday on Trafalgar Square in central London. First they held up posters in support of Sakineh Ashtiani who is threatened by imminent execution in Tabriz, Iran for an alleged extra marital affair.

They also drew attention to the fate of jailed students in Iran, highlighting the cases of Mohammad Pourabdollah and Behzad Bagheri Kakesh.

Mohammad Pourabdollah,a chemical engineering student at the University of Tehran, was arrested on February 12, 2009 at his home. He was detained for over one month in solitary confinement and was sentenced to six years which was subsequently reduced to three years for ‘propaganda against the state and society’ and ‘conspiracy to disturb national security.’

Behzad Bagheri Kahkesh, 24, a left-wing student of Archaeology at Tehran University was arrested on 29 May 2010 and since then has been detained without charge in Dastgerd Prison, Esfahan.

IRI, you are fabricating a case against Sakineh Ashtiani

PR No. 94

November 10, 2010

To Ayatollah Ejehi and other judicial authorities of the Islamic Republic:

You are fabricating a case against Sakineh Ashtiani, and you want to buy time!

Gholam-Hosein Ejehi, Attorney General and spokesman of the Islamic Republic’s Judiciary, said today, in an interview with the Iranian official news agency (IRNA), ‘we need more time and further review of the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani in order to come to a clear, definite conviction for her. This case is till going through legal procedures.’ He added, ‘there are two charges, or convictions, against Sakineh, the more serious of the two being the murder charge, or conviction.

In opposition to the above statements, The International Committees Against Execution and Stoning make the following statement:

1- If Sakineh’s case is still under review, why is it that she has already been sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, suffered 99 lashes, and spent 5 years of her life in jail? Shouldn’t this sentence be quashed, and Sakineh and her family be compensated?

2- If, as you presently admit, Sakineh’s case needs further review, then on what basis have you already sentenced her to stoning? And, following that, why have you announced, several times and through different channels, that she has been sentenced to death? The truth is had there been an iota of justice in your whole judicial system, you would have publically apologized to Sakineh and her children, and paid a fraction of the physical and emotional harm as well as the material damage that you have caused them during these years.

3- What kind of case needs ‘more time and further review’ after 5 years? How many more years is Sakineh supposed to languish in jail, grappling with the nightmare of being hanged or stoned to death, before your review comes to a ‘clear, definite conviction for her’? Shouldn’t you free Sakineh while she awaits the completion of the review, such as you claim to be doing, especially since she has already spent 5 years in prison and endured 99 lashes for crimes not yet proven according to your own statements above?

4- Why the documents Sakineh’s lawyer, Houtan Kian, had gathered and prepared in her defense were stolen from his house- and office by your agents? You have even removed the copies of her whole dossiers from Tabriz Prison and Police archives! If you are not up to fabricating a case against her, and all you really want to do is review it further, why would you need to steal her dossiers?

5- What sort of reviewing a case requires that the defendant’s lawyer, as well as her child, be arrested, imprisoned and tortured for just defending her? What sort of reviewing a case can possibly have any validity in today’s world when it requires that the defendant be deprived of legal defense?

6- What kind of review are you doing during which you have had to force the defendant into coercively extracted confessions on national television? How many times have you and other statesmen of your regime publically presented her as a convicted murderer through various media? You have even publically denounced the international media as well as Sakineh’s international supporters as ‘defenders of a murderer’ in so many instances!

The statements you and other government officials have so far made on the case of Sakineh are clear testimonies to the fact that your court system does not bear any resemblance whatsoever to a legitimate one. Your courts, therefore, lack any legitimacy to review this or any other case.

Thanks to our efforts you and your whole Islamic legal system have been exposed to the world. You must be put on trial, if not for any other of your crimes during the past 31 years, for what you have done to Sakineh, her children and her lawyer based on your own admissions so far.

You are not busy further reviewing Sakineh’s case but fabricating one for her. You are not awaiting the clarification of the case but just buying time hoping to be relieved from the international pressure. Your shameless contradicting statements, as well as your criminal treatment of prisoners, are by now very well known to the people around the world.

The International Committees Against Execution and Stoning hereby demand that Sakineh, Sajad, Houtan and the two German journalists who were arrested while trying to investigate the case must be freed immediately. There is no justification for their imprisonment. It is, on the other hand, Ejei, Shahroudi and all other past and present judicial authorities of the regime, along with all the its leaders, who must be tried for this as well as thousands of other crimes they have committed. This anti-human judicial system must be thrown into the trash can of history together with the entire Islamic regime. This is a demand backed by millions of people in Iran and across the world.

International Committee Against Execution

International Committee Against Stoning

10 November 2010

International Committee Against Stoning (http://stopstonningnow.com)

International Committee Against Execution (http://notonemoreexecution.org)

Spokesperson: Mina Ahadi: minaahadi@aol.com 0049-(0)177 569 24 13

Saturday, 13 November 2010

'Women must be free!'

After their semi-clothed protest in Kiev a couple of days ago in support of Sakineh Ashtiani, FEMEN activists are being interviewed by Sohaila Sharifi on NCTV live. Watch the interview in English, and at the end of the clip the summary of the interview in Farsi.

Friday, 12 November 2010

FEMEN: Congratulations on your act of solidarity with Sakineh and against capital punishment

Dear activists of Femen

We wanted to write and congratulate you on your act of solidarity with Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and your opposition to ‘state-sanctioned murder.’

Whilst Ukrainian officials were ‘ashamed’ of your display and stood firmly with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s killing machine, we, as women’s rights campaigners who have been leading the fight for an end to stoning and execution of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others felt strongly that it was an important act in defence of women's rights and human dignity. This is particularly so given the silence of so many feminists who seem to have succumbed to the racist concept of cultural relativism that implies that women choose to live the way they are forced to. Clearly though, women everywhere want to live lives worthy of the 21st century and not under medievalism and religious rules.

Acts of real human solidarity like yours helps to further support Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others in her situation as well as mobilising opposition to stoning, execution and the misogyny of Sharia law.

We look forward to working closely with you from now on and know you will continue to support our efforts.

Warmest regards

Mina Ahadi and Maryam Namazie

Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Execution
International Committee against Stoning
Email: minaahadi@aol.com
Tel: 0049 (0) 1775692413

Maryam Namazie
Iran Solidarity
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Sakineh Ashtiani Twitter account deleted

The Twitter account for Sakineh Ashtiani from ICAS has been deleted. Abbas Goya, ICAS site editor: 'Yesterday, the IRI failed to get a seat on “UN Women’s Agency”, ackonwledged by all as a result of our campaign for Sakineh. Why Twitter Attack? Last week, once ICAS exposed the execution plan of Sakineh, the world was outraged expressed specifically via MILLIONS of tweets on Twitter. As many of you might recall, Facebook accounts of two prominent humanist activists, namely Mina Ahadi and Maryam Namazie, were simultaneously dis-activated. It just so happened that they were leading figures in save Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani campaign! At the time we rightly suspected the IRI agents had something to do with it and that Facebook had fallen into their trap. We launched a campaign and within days their accounts were reinstated.This is the same story, a different day. This time, the occasion is so relevant that it is extremly hard to believe anything but the involvement of the Islamic Republic agents.

Help us get the account back on!! For more info on what to do click here

Women's rights activists stage nude protest in support of Sakineh

Activists from the women's rights group FEMEN protested semi-clothed outside a hall in Kiev in which an Iranian cultural event was taking place. Their protest was in support of Sakineh Ashtiani. Security guards are trying to drag the activists away from the hall.

Source: iol news, more photos here

Islamic regime finally rebuffed from UN Women

Western lobbying bars Iran from peak UN women's agency
From The Times
November 11, 2010

IRAN'S bid for a seat on the board of a prestigious new UN agency promoting women's rights has been emphatically rebuffed, with Australia playing a strategic role in its defeat.

Western governments and human rights organisations mounted a last-ditch operation to have Iran blackballed from UN Women, deepening Tehran's internation isolation.

Its opponents rejoiced at the exclusion of a state that stones women to death for adultery and has one of the world's worst records on women's rights.

“They lost, and they lost handily,” said US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice.

“We've made no secret of our concern that Iran joining the board of UN Women would have been an inauspicious start to that board... It was a very good outcome.”

A British government spokesman said: “The UK strongly believes that countries on the board of UN Women should have demonstrated a firm commitment to women's rights and gender equality.”

UN Women, to be chaired by Michelle Bachelet, the former Chilean president, subsumes four smaller UN agencies dealing with women's rights and is charged with promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Of the UN's 192 member states, Iran is one of just six that has not ratified the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.

Until last week, Iran's election had seemed a foregone conclusion despite the international outcry over Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery. It was one of only ten Asian countries standing for the ten seats set aside for them on the 41-member board.

Amid growing outrage, however, Western governments including the US, Canada and Australia persuaded East Timor to add its name last Thursday. That meant the 54 members of the UN's Economic and Social Council had to vote on the Asian slate yesterday. After some intense behind-the-scenes lobbying, Iran came 11th and last with just 19 votes.

It was the second such humiliation Tehran has suffered this year, with a similar US-led operation thwarting Iran's attempt to join the UN Human Rights Council in April. This week, the UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation withdrew its support for World Philosophy Day in Iran, which the country will host this month.

The vote was greeted with jubilation by human rights organisations, though they were dismayed that Saudi Arabia secured a place as a donor nation.

Maryam Namazie, spokeswoman for Iran Solidarity, a campaign group, said the Ashtiani case had “knocked some sense” into voting states. “Otherwise, having Iran on UN Women would have been like putting the Vatican in charge of UN Children or the Burmese junta in charge of UN Election Monitoring.”

Marianne Mollmann, advocacy director for women's rights at Human Rights Watch, said: “We didn't want Iran to have an opportunity to whitewash their internal policies with this important position on a new UN entity.”

There was no immediate comment from official Iranian sources.