Saturday 19 September 2009

Hassan Radwan's act of solidarity with the people of Iran

See photos and film footage of ex-Muslim Hassan Radwan's act of solidarity with the people of Iran.


  1. But I thought the opposition in Iran were mostly former senior figures in the Islamic regime and thoroughly committed to an Islamic Iran. Why does Hassan support an Islamic opposition?

  2. This man actually taught me and always told me that we need mor muslim writers in the world. Not long after and he isn't even a muslim himself. I and that to be quite hypocritical and I feel cheaated myself.

  3. Hassan Radwan is a true hero to so many ex-muslims in the UK and around the world. He has has a massive influence on me in helping me to see Islam is nothing special. Its just like any other religion that preys on gullibility of the followers. Thank you Hassan Radwan.
