The l'Union Locale CGT d'Epinal sent the below in as their act of solidarity:
Solidarité avec les syndicalistes et les travailleurs iraniens
Etat iranien, hors de l’OIT !!
Depuis bientôt un an, les travailleurs et la majorité du peuple iranien se battent contre le régime dictatorial. Des milliers de manifestants et de militants ont été arrêtés et bien souvent torturés. Ils luttent pour la chute du régime mais aussi pour obtenir des droits syndicaux. Cet élan donne naissance à des syndicats clandestins ou semi-légaux comme celui des Transports Publics de Téhéran.
Les autorités veulent donc briser cet élan démocratique
Le dimanche 9 mai, les autorités islamiques en Iran ont exécuté 5 militants : Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli et Mehdi Eslamian mais aussi Farzad Kamangar ancien porte parole du syndicat des enseignants du technique du Kurdistan, membre de la Ligue de Défense des Droits de l’Homme.
Ces militants ont subi la torture la plus sauvage et ont été jugés dans des conditions caricaturales.
Leur exécution est utilisée par leur régime comme un exemple. Pour autant cette stratégie sanguinaire n’a pas fonctionné.
Le 13 mai plusieurs organisations ouvrières clandestines ont appelé à la grève au Kurdistan iranien pour protester contre ces exécutions et empêcher l’assassinat d’une vingtaine d’autres militants menacés.
Cet appel à la grève a remporté un large succès dans les villes de la province, malgré l’état de siège instauré par les autorités. Les forces de l’ordre de la dictature ont essayé d’empêcher les manifestations, d’où des affrontements de plusieurs heures dans certaines villes. De nombreuses entreprises, écoles et universités étaient fermées dans la province. La majorité des commerçants se sont joints à cet appel
Cette mobilisation démontre que les travailleurs et la majorité du peuple iranien contestent la légitimité et la violence du régime en place.
Solidarité internationale
Mais la bataille pour la respect des libertés démocratiques et syndicales ne doit pas uniquement reposer sur nos camarades iraniens. Nous estimons que les organisations syndicales françaises et internationales doivent se joindre à ce combat et montrer ainsi une véritable démarche internationaliste.
Le 2 juin s’ouvrira à Genève une conférence de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail. Plusieurs organisations ouvrières iraniennes demandent depuis des années à l’OIT d’exclure l’Iran de la liste des Etats participants à cette institution internationale.
Comment accepter qu’un Etat qui ne respecte aucune liberté syndicale, qui assassine, viole et torture les militants syndicaux, puisse participer aux travaux de l’OIT ?
Nous, organisations syndicales, demandons à nos représentants syndicaux à l’OIT d’exiger l’exclusion de l’Etat dictatorial iranien de cette institution internationale
Organisations syndicales signataires (sections syndicales, syndicats, UL,…) :
Stop the tsunami of executions - add your name!
Monday, 31 May 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity
Writer Magnus Nielsen did his act of solidarity today in Trafalgar Square. No photo available.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Iran Solidarity UK's act
Iran Solidarity UK did their act of solidarity in Trafalgar Square today. Photos to follow.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Save Majid Tavakoli

On 26 May, Mina Ahadi of the International Committee against Executions briefly spoke to his mother. His mother is also on hunger strike in support of her son. She is very worried and concerned about his health. She said that no matter where she goes, she is given no information on him nor allowed to speak to or see him.
He is currently in solitary confinement for writing a public letter in protest to the execution of ‘my big brother Farzad.’
Iran Solidarity urges everyone to act in defence of Majid and all political prisoners in Iran.
News Update on Farzad Kamangar; 9 others executed this week
Farzad Kamangar’s mother gave the following message to a memorial gathering in Germany: ‘Greetings to freedom loving people across the world that have supported us and raised our voices across the world. Today, as always, I ask you, I beg you to think of the political prisoners. Don’t let other mothers suffer. It is enough. Don’t let them lose their beloved. I lost my Farzad but I don’t want any other family to lose their beloved. I ask all mothers, students, people to think of the liberation of our loved ones enchained. The regime has still not handed over Farzad’s body. But Farzad is not dead. He is alive and can be seen in the millions worldwide who have not left us alone and will not leave us alone.
To listen to the message click here or see the below:
A cousin of Farzad Kamangar living in Germany says the mothers of the five executed have still not seen their bodies to say goodbye to them. She says 19 members of the Kamangar family have been executed by the regime.
Farzad Kamangar’s brave lawyer, Khalil Bahramian, has been arrested for speaking to the press about the fact that he and others should not have been executed.
At least nine people were executed in one week in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 5 in Rasht (four men and one woman) on Monday, two in Zahedan and two in Ahvaz. There is also the imminent executions of several others in the coming weeks according to the International Committee against Executions.
To listen to the message click here or see the below:
A cousin of Farzad Kamangar living in Germany says the mothers of the five executed have still not seen their bodies to say goodbye to them. She says 19 members of the Kamangar family have been executed by the regime.
Farzad Kamangar’s brave lawyer, Khalil Bahramian, has been arrested for speaking to the press about the fact that he and others should not have been executed.
At least nine people were executed in one week in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 5 in Rasht (four men and one woman) on Monday, two in Zahedan and two in Ahvaz. There is also the imminent executions of several others in the coming weeks according to the International Committee against Executions.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Sohaila Sharifi's act of solidarity
Here is Sohaila Sharifi's act of solidarity - she translated into Farsi the campaign call of 'I would be executed in Iran if I did this...'
اگر من اینکار را در ایران می کردم ممکن بود اعدام شوم....
همه ما عاشق شده ایم، آنچه در ذهنمان است به زبان آورده ایم، در تظاهراتی شرکت کرده ایم، به گروه سیاسی و یا کمپین خاصی پیوسته ایم، آنچه را که تابو محسوب می شود به سخره گرفته ایم و از اعتقاداتمان دفاع کرده ایم.
تنها فرقش این است بسته به اینکه کجای دنیا متولد شده باشیم، بعضی از ما زنده نخواهیم ماند که در مورد این کارهائی که کرده ایم صحبت کنیم.
احتمالا شنیده اید که در تاریخ 9 ماه مه 2010 چهار مرد و یک زن جوان که توسط جمهوری اسلامی ایران به اتهامات واهی و نادرست دستگیر و بعد از مدتها شکنجه و اذیت و آزار آنها را در بیدادگاههایشان به جرم محاربه با خدا محکوم کرده بودند، اعدام شدند. این اعدامها مخفیانه و بدون اطلاع قبلی خانواده ها و یا وکلایشان صورت گرفت. به فرزاد کمانگر معلم 35 ساله، علی حیدریان، فرهاد وکیلی، شیرین علم هولی و مهدی اسلامیان حتی این فرصت داده نشد که به خانواده هایشان زنگ بزنند و خداحافظی کنند.
متاسفانه این اعدامها تازه نیستند. جمهوری اسلامی ایران در رده های اول اعدام در جهان است و تنها دولتی است که همچنان به اعدام کودکان ادامه می دهد.
از 130 نوع جرائمی که در ایران ممکن است منجر به مجازات اعدام شوند به چند نمونه زیر می توان اشاره کرد:
* جرائم جنسی مانند زنا و همجنس گرائی
* جرائم علیه دولت و مذهب از جمله محاربه با خدا، مفسد فی الارض، ارتداد، کفر گوئی و اظهار نظر علیه مذهب
* کارهائی که تحت قوانین شریعت ممنوع هستند مواردی مانند: نوشیدن الکل بعد از سه بار محکومیت به این خاطر، جرائم اخلاقی مانند پخش و توزیع فیلمهای پورنوگرافی، جرائم مربوط به اخلال در نظم عمومی و جرائم مربوط به اعتیاد و یا داشتن مواد مخدر.
همانطور که گفتم من و شما هم به آسانی می توانستیم در لیست این اعدامها باشیم اگر این خوش شانسی را نداشتیم که در جائی دیگر از دنیا متولد شده باشیم. پس چکار باید کرد؟
مادر فرزاد کمانگر اخیرا خطاب به مردم دنیا گفته است "اگر هرکسی هر کاری از دستش بر می آید لطفا حتما اینکار را بکند. نگذارید جوانها را قتل عام کنند. شما و همه دنیا سپر دفاعی من خواهید بود".
برای خیلیها که هم اکنون در صف اعدام بخاطر مقابله با این رژیم خونخوار هستند ما باید سپر دفاعی شویم.
مریم نمازی
چکار می توانید بکنید؟
* به ما ملحق شوید که علیه اعدامهای پنج نفر از فعالین سیاسی در 9 مه از هر طریقی که می توانیم اعتراض کنیم. تا همین الان هم اعتراضات زیادی در ایران و در برابر سفارتهای جمهوری اسلامی در بسیاری از کشورهای جهان انجام شده. از جمله این اعتراضات می توان به اعتصاب سراسری و موفقیت آمیز مردم شهرهای کردستان در تاریخ 13 مه اشاره کرد. شما می توانید در تظاهراتهائی که در شهرتان سازمان داده می شوند شرکت کنید یا اینکه این اطلاعات را به دست دیگران هم برسانید و از دوستانتان بخواهید از این اقدام حمایت کنند، نامه های اعتراضی بنویسید، برای رسانه ها نامه و مطلب بفرستید، این مسئله را در مراسمها و برنامه هائی که سازمان می دهید و یا در آنها شرکت می کنید و یا در محل کارتان در مدرسه اتان و یا در محلتان مطرح کنید. هرجا که می توانید اقداماتی در همبستگی با مردم ایران انجام دهید. داوطلب شوید و از توانائیها و مهارتهایتان برای جلب افکار عمومی و ترجمه مطالب و جمع آوری کمک مالی استفاده کنید. درخواست کنید که ایران از سازمان ملل و سازمان جهانی کار و دیگر نهادهای بین المللی اخراج شود. بسته شدن سفارتها و کنسولگریهای جمهوری اسلامی را هرجا که هستید مطالبه کنید. و پایان دادن فوری به اعدام در ایران و هرجای دیگر دنیا را بخواهید.
* و در روز 20 ماه ژوئن هرجا که هستید با تمام قوا به خیابان بیائید. سعی کنید جائی که زندگی می کنید آکسیون و تظاهرات سازمان دهید و یا به آنهائی که سازمان داده شده اند ملحق شوید. 20 ژوئن مخصوصا روز مهمی است چرا که این روز مصادف است با سالگرد کشته شدن ندا آقا سلطان توسط مزدوران جمهوری اسلامی در روز روشن در یک تظاهرات در تهران. ندا هم مانند فرزاد کمانگر و دیگران تنها چیزی که می خواست آزادی بود.
تظاهرات روز 20 ژوئن در لندن از ساعت 14 تا 17 بعد از ظهر خواهد بود. راهپیمائی از میدان ترافالگار بطرف سفارت جمهوری اسلامی خواهد بود.
* اگر می خواهید روی صفحه فیس بوک "اگر من اینکار را در ایران می کردم اعدام می شدم" اعلام کنید که با آن موافق هستید اینجا را کلیک کنید:!/pages/I-would-be-executed-in-Iran-if-I-did-this/107261949318147?ref=ts
* از همبستگی با مردم ایران و مطالبات آن با امضای طومار زیر حمایت کنید:
* برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد اعدامهای 9 مه اینجا را کلیک کنید:
* برای منابع در مورد مجازات اعدام
قوانین مذهبی لغو مجازات اعدام را مشکلتر می کنند. مصاحبه ای پی اس با مریم نمازی
مجازات اعدام شنیع ترین شکل قتل عمد، مصاحبه خاوران با منصور حکمت
برای اطلاعات بیشتر با مریم نمازی تماس بگیرید:
BM Box 2387, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
اگر من اینکار را در ایران می کردم ممکن بود اعدام شوم....
همه ما عاشق شده ایم، آنچه در ذهنمان است به زبان آورده ایم، در تظاهراتی شرکت کرده ایم، به گروه سیاسی و یا کمپین خاصی پیوسته ایم، آنچه را که تابو محسوب می شود به سخره گرفته ایم و از اعتقاداتمان دفاع کرده ایم.
تنها فرقش این است بسته به اینکه کجای دنیا متولد شده باشیم، بعضی از ما زنده نخواهیم ماند که در مورد این کارهائی که کرده ایم صحبت کنیم.
احتمالا شنیده اید که در تاریخ 9 ماه مه 2010 چهار مرد و یک زن جوان که توسط جمهوری اسلامی ایران به اتهامات واهی و نادرست دستگیر و بعد از مدتها شکنجه و اذیت و آزار آنها را در بیدادگاههایشان به جرم محاربه با خدا محکوم کرده بودند، اعدام شدند. این اعدامها مخفیانه و بدون اطلاع قبلی خانواده ها و یا وکلایشان صورت گرفت. به فرزاد کمانگر معلم 35 ساله، علی حیدریان، فرهاد وکیلی، شیرین علم هولی و مهدی اسلامیان حتی این فرصت داده نشد که به خانواده هایشان زنگ بزنند و خداحافظی کنند.
متاسفانه این اعدامها تازه نیستند. جمهوری اسلامی ایران در رده های اول اعدام در جهان است و تنها دولتی است که همچنان به اعدام کودکان ادامه می دهد.
از 130 نوع جرائمی که در ایران ممکن است منجر به مجازات اعدام شوند به چند نمونه زیر می توان اشاره کرد:
* جرائم جنسی مانند زنا و همجنس گرائی
* جرائم علیه دولت و مذهب از جمله محاربه با خدا، مفسد فی الارض، ارتداد، کفر گوئی و اظهار نظر علیه مذهب
* کارهائی که تحت قوانین شریعت ممنوع هستند مواردی مانند: نوشیدن الکل بعد از سه بار محکومیت به این خاطر، جرائم اخلاقی مانند پخش و توزیع فیلمهای پورنوگرافی، جرائم مربوط به اخلال در نظم عمومی و جرائم مربوط به اعتیاد و یا داشتن مواد مخدر.
همانطور که گفتم من و شما هم به آسانی می توانستیم در لیست این اعدامها باشیم اگر این خوش شانسی را نداشتیم که در جائی دیگر از دنیا متولد شده باشیم. پس چکار باید کرد؟
مادر فرزاد کمانگر اخیرا خطاب به مردم دنیا گفته است "اگر هرکسی هر کاری از دستش بر می آید لطفا حتما اینکار را بکند. نگذارید جوانها را قتل عام کنند. شما و همه دنیا سپر دفاعی من خواهید بود".
برای خیلیها که هم اکنون در صف اعدام بخاطر مقابله با این رژیم خونخوار هستند ما باید سپر دفاعی شویم.
مریم نمازی
چکار می توانید بکنید؟
* به ما ملحق شوید که علیه اعدامهای پنج نفر از فعالین سیاسی در 9 مه از هر طریقی که می توانیم اعتراض کنیم. تا همین الان هم اعتراضات زیادی در ایران و در برابر سفارتهای جمهوری اسلامی در بسیاری از کشورهای جهان انجام شده. از جمله این اعتراضات می توان به اعتصاب سراسری و موفقیت آمیز مردم شهرهای کردستان در تاریخ 13 مه اشاره کرد. شما می توانید در تظاهراتهائی که در شهرتان سازمان داده می شوند شرکت کنید یا اینکه این اطلاعات را به دست دیگران هم برسانید و از دوستانتان بخواهید از این اقدام حمایت کنند، نامه های اعتراضی بنویسید، برای رسانه ها نامه و مطلب بفرستید، این مسئله را در مراسمها و برنامه هائی که سازمان می دهید و یا در آنها شرکت می کنید و یا در محل کارتان در مدرسه اتان و یا در محلتان مطرح کنید. هرجا که می توانید اقداماتی در همبستگی با مردم ایران انجام دهید. داوطلب شوید و از توانائیها و مهارتهایتان برای جلب افکار عمومی و ترجمه مطالب و جمع آوری کمک مالی استفاده کنید. درخواست کنید که ایران از سازمان ملل و سازمان جهانی کار و دیگر نهادهای بین المللی اخراج شود. بسته شدن سفارتها و کنسولگریهای جمهوری اسلامی را هرجا که هستید مطالبه کنید. و پایان دادن فوری به اعدام در ایران و هرجای دیگر دنیا را بخواهید.
* و در روز 20 ماه ژوئن هرجا که هستید با تمام قوا به خیابان بیائید. سعی کنید جائی که زندگی می کنید آکسیون و تظاهرات سازمان دهید و یا به آنهائی که سازمان داده شده اند ملحق شوید. 20 ژوئن مخصوصا روز مهمی است چرا که این روز مصادف است با سالگرد کشته شدن ندا آقا سلطان توسط مزدوران جمهوری اسلامی در روز روشن در یک تظاهرات در تهران. ندا هم مانند فرزاد کمانگر و دیگران تنها چیزی که می خواست آزادی بود.
تظاهرات روز 20 ژوئن در لندن از ساعت 14 تا 17 بعد از ظهر خواهد بود. راهپیمائی از میدان ترافالگار بطرف سفارت جمهوری اسلامی خواهد بود.
* اگر می خواهید روی صفحه فیس بوک "اگر من اینکار را در ایران می کردم اعدام می شدم" اعلام کنید که با آن موافق هستید اینجا را کلیک کنید:!/pages/I-would-be-executed-in-Iran-if-I-did-this/107261949318147?ref=ts
* از همبستگی با مردم ایران و مطالبات آن با امضای طومار زیر حمایت کنید:
* برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد اعدامهای 9 مه اینجا را کلیک کنید:
* برای منابع در مورد مجازات اعدام
قوانین مذهبی لغو مجازات اعدام را مشکلتر می کنند. مصاحبه ای پی اس با مریم نمازی
مجازات اعدام شنیع ترین شکل قتل عمد، مصاحبه خاوران با منصور حکمت
برای اطلاعات بیشتر با مریم نمازی تماس بگیرید:
BM Box 2387, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Kaveh Moussavi's message of solidarity
Kaveh Moussavi sent this message in: 'Thank you for this message and thank you even more for the work you are doing. I shall be doing my bit by demonstrating as suggested- and more. The day will come when these murderers will face trial.'
Monday, 24 May 2010
Proletarskaya Gazeta's act of solidarity with the people of Iran
Nikiforov Vladimir writes: 'I am the member of editorial board of "Proletarskaya Gazeta" and Council of workers, office workers and peasants of Leningrad and Leningrad region.' They sent the following letter to the Islamic Republic of Iran's embassy in protest to the murder of political prisoners in Iran with a copy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Президенту республики Иран
Копия: министерство Иностранных дел России
Возмущены подлым убийством правящим буржуазным фашистским режимом Ирана борцов за демократические права иранского народа. Иранский режим показал, что он ничем не отличается от кровавого средневекового режима Шаха. Уверены, что властям Ирана не удастся запугать иранский рабочий класс, демократические силы и иранский народ.
Требуем освобождения всех политических заключенных Ирана и прекращения средневековых казней.
Позор фашистским убийцам!
Слава героическим революционерам Ирана, павшим в борьбе!
Информация об убийствах в Иране будет распространена по всем доступным нам каналам в России.
Совет рабочих, служащих и крестьян Ленинграда и Ленинградской области
Президенту республики Иран
Копия: министерство Иностранных дел России
Возмущены подлым убийством правящим буржуазным фашистским режимом Ирана борцов за демократические права иранского народа. Иранский режим показал, что он ничем не отличается от кровавого средневекового режима Шаха. Уверены, что властям Ирана не удастся запугать иранский рабочий класс, демократические силы и иранский народ.
Требуем освобождения всех политических заключенных Ирана и прекращения средневековых казней.
Позор фашистским убийцам!
Слава героическим революционерам Ирана, павшим в борьбе!
Информация об убийствах в Иране будет распространена по всем доступным нам каналам в России.
Совет рабочих, служащих и крестьян Ленинграда и Ленинградской области
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Tariq Khan's act of solidarity
Tariq Khan, a journalist sent in this message about the execution of five political prisoners in Iran: '...I pray for the departed souls and express my heartfelt sympathy with the grieved families......'
He also says: 'The news item about the unfortunate executions in Iran has been published in Sunday Times Canada's City Page. When you open the page on the left side of the window, click on City Page and the news is in a single coulmn in Urdu beginning with 'Iran main sazai mout ka silsla jaari'. To see the article, go to the Paper's website.
He also says: 'The news item about the unfortunate executions in Iran has been published in Sunday Times Canada's City Page. When you open the page on the left side of the window, click on City Page and the news is in a single coulmn in Urdu beginning with 'Iran main sazai mout ka silsla jaari'. To see the article, go to the Paper's website.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Iran Solidarity UK's act in Trafalgar Square
Iran Solidarity UK activists did their act of solidarity today in Trafalgar Square. Photos to follow.
Friday, 21 May 2010
470 prisoners of conscience in Iran
'Reporters and Human Rights Activists in Iran' (RAHANA) have published a report stating that there are 470 prisoners of conscience in prison in Iran - 28 of them have been sentenced to death. They are held in 25 prisons across Iran and Evin prison in Tehran holds the highest number of political prisoners. 268 have been convicted and the rest are being held in prison without any charges. Go here to see a list of their names in Farsi and English. RAHANA stresses that the list is not complete and is working on getting more information on prisoners of conscience.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Esther's act of solidarity
Esther wrote the following email: I'm a Spanish translator and interpreter, currently residing in Berlin. As a human being and as a woman, reading your page has caused me a deep impression, and I would like to help for the cause. I can't give money now, but offer to translate the page into Spanish, completely free of charge, to make it more reachable for Spanish-Speaking countries.'
To see her translation of Iran Solidarity's Manifesto, click here.
To see her translation of I would be executed in Iran if I did this, click here.
To see her translation of Iran Solidarity's Manifesto, click here.
To see her translation of I would be executed in Iran if I did this, click here.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
6 more death sentences confirmed
To see news of 6 more death sentences and 217 prison sentences, click here.
Alam sent these poems in solidarity with the people of Iran
Alam sent the below poems to show her solidarity with the people of Iran:
Daddy Dear
Daddy Dear, where’s the love
In all your control
Quoting the Koran
While you’re living off the dole
Where’s the integrity
Of your soul?
Daddy dear, my mind is not yours
Let me go through
Those college doors
So what if I speak to some boys
Against what’s natural
Must you wage wars?
Don’t terrorise us with those
Medi-evil, sharia laws
Daddy dear, put down that knife
My brothers go to brothels
And cheat on gorees galore
Why must I be the sacrifice?
So you want my obedience
At any price?
Ah, daddy so you are judge, jury and
And if this is my last day
With my last breath I pray
May the British law punish you
Cos sharia law doesn’t.
In memory of all the brave people, fighting the shackles of torturing traditions everywhere.
Before they can dream any dreams
There was a time when men were kind
When their words were soft
And women were wooed
In the Meccan desert
And the Afghani mountains
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was such a time
And then it all went wrong
For a psychopath, he came along
He built up a gang an’ called them Believers
He changed the rules, he changed the rites
Our ancient goddesses he killed
And put his allah in their place
Love was outlawed and dowries installed
And rich old paedophiles could marry a child
No soft looks
No tender hugs
Now the Bearded Believers come at night
With their dreams of paradise
And they shoot to kill girls going to school
And bomb female doctors and strangle dancers
No woman’s allowed to live her dream
Oh Muslim men have you no shame
Muslim men are the guards,
Women and girls their prisoners
To be ploughed like a field
A clod of earth at his command
The mothers have suffered,
The same fate and
So the Stockholm syndrome rules their brain
Where is the love, where is the honour
Some degradations no soul can weather
Don’t look up, don’t laugh out,
Do not think, do not sing
So each generation of girls’ souls killed,
Their bodies covered up
Oh Muslim men have you no shame
You hypocrites, hiding behind
That psychopathic creed
Your youth are labelled apostates
If they want to leave
And them you kill
Before they can dream
Their own dreams.
Mad-Rassa Made
Oh my darlin little hungering Babe
Brought up in a mad-rassa where
Bearded old men, brainwashin you
With one hand they fed your belly
With the other they sought
Only to control
That was see, their only goal
And with blood-drenched ink
Drawn from their soul-less Koran….x2
…They wrote Jihad on your Forehead
As they scribbled accusations
‘Gainst all humans
They drew big-eyed houris
Above your lonesome bed,
And while you be sleep
They busy gluing your Feet
To the front lines of their battle
To them, your life’s just a passing death rattle
To be sacrified like a goat at Eid….x2
Oh My little darlin Orphan Child
Must you kill, when you haven’t even lived
Open your eyes to the blue skies inside
See how their words are, a hollow bribe
There really was no one Holy Scribe,
No Angel Gabriel
And no messenger of God,
Is asking you to kill any chance passersby
Their jihad, and jahunnam
Just tactics tricking you into, reasons to die…x2
But live, little 11 year old Child, Be Mine
Don’t let those power thirsty bearded old men
With sly tongues and dark hearts and hatred beyond ken
Steal your life for their power and pleasure
For your life is yours, a part of Nature’s treasure
Look out of your cell and study the stars,
Break out of those satanic bars
Coming out of that hypnotic trance, just blink
In Friendship you’ll find Universal Truths washing away their stink
Once washed free of that blood-drenched koranic ink.
You’ll be free to live, not live to kill,
You’ll be free to live, not forced to kill,
Child, Be Free, to Love and to Live.
Daddy Dear
Daddy Dear, where’s the love
In all your control
Quoting the Koran
While you’re living off the dole
Where’s the integrity
Of your soul?
Daddy dear, my mind is not yours
Let me go through
Those college doors
So what if I speak to some boys
Against what’s natural
Must you wage wars?
Don’t terrorise us with those
Medi-evil, sharia laws
Daddy dear, put down that knife
My brothers go to brothels
And cheat on gorees galore
Why must I be the sacrifice?
So you want my obedience
At any price?
Ah, daddy so you are judge, jury and
And if this is my last day
With my last breath I pray
May the British law punish you
Cos sharia law doesn’t.
In memory of all the brave people, fighting the shackles of torturing traditions everywhere.
Before they can dream any dreams
There was a time when men were kind
When their words were soft
And women were wooed
In the Meccan desert
And the Afghani mountains
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was such a time
And then it all went wrong
For a psychopath, he came along
He built up a gang an’ called them Believers
He changed the rules, he changed the rites
Our ancient goddesses he killed
And put his allah in their place
Love was outlawed and dowries installed
And rich old paedophiles could marry a child
No soft looks
No tender hugs
Now the Bearded Believers come at night
With their dreams of paradise
And they shoot to kill girls going to school
And bomb female doctors and strangle dancers
No woman’s allowed to live her dream
Oh Muslim men have you no shame
Muslim men are the guards,
Women and girls their prisoners
To be ploughed like a field
A clod of earth at his command
The mothers have suffered,
The same fate and
So the Stockholm syndrome rules their brain
Where is the love, where is the honour
Some degradations no soul can weather
Don’t look up, don’t laugh out,
Do not think, do not sing
So each generation of girls’ souls killed,
Their bodies covered up
Oh Muslim men have you no shame
You hypocrites, hiding behind
That psychopathic creed
Your youth are labelled apostates
If they want to leave
And them you kill
Before they can dream
Their own dreams.
Mad-Rassa Made
Oh my darlin little hungering Babe
Brought up in a mad-rassa where
Bearded old men, brainwashin you
With one hand they fed your belly
With the other they sought
Only to control
That was see, their only goal
And with blood-drenched ink
Drawn from their soul-less Koran….x2
…They wrote Jihad on your Forehead
As they scribbled accusations
‘Gainst all humans
They drew big-eyed houris
Above your lonesome bed,
And while you be sleep
They busy gluing your Feet
To the front lines of their battle
To them, your life’s just a passing death rattle
To be sacrified like a goat at Eid….x2
Oh My little darlin Orphan Child
Must you kill, when you haven’t even lived
Open your eyes to the blue skies inside
See how their words are, a hollow bribe
There really was no one Holy Scribe,
No Angel Gabriel
And no messenger of God,
Is asking you to kill any chance passersby
Their jihad, and jahunnam
Just tactics tricking you into, reasons to die…x2
But live, little 11 year old Child, Be Mine
Don’t let those power thirsty bearded old men
With sly tongues and dark hearts and hatred beyond ken
Steal your life for their power and pleasure
For your life is yours, a part of Nature’s treasure
Look out of your cell and study the stars,
Break out of those satanic bars
Coming out of that hypnotic trance, just blink
In Friendship you’ll find Universal Truths washing away their stink
Once washed free of that blood-drenched koranic ink.
You’ll be free to live, not live to kill,
You’ll be free to live, not forced to kill,
Child, Be Free, to Love and to Live.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Phyl Eyres act of solidarity
Phyl Eyres writes: Thank you for sending the email re the shocking executions in Iran; I totally support you but unfortunately will be away on June 20. Please keep me informed of further meetings/demos.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Iran Solidarity Vancouver's act
Iran Solidarity Vancouver held it weekly Patoq meeting today in solidarity with people of Iran.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
London rally against execution of 5 political activists
Iran Solidarity UK took part in a protest organised by 8 different campaigns and organisations in London against the execution of the political activists Farzad Kamangar, Shirin Alam Houli, Farhad Vakili, Ali Heydarian and Mehdi Eslamian on Sunday 9 May in Iran. We gathered at 1pm in Trafalgar Square where several people gave speeches on the executions and the situation in Iran. At 2.30 the rally of about 120 people marched to the embassy of the IRI. On the way slogans like: Stop torture, stop murder in Iran! Free all political prisoners now! Down with the Islamic regime of Iran! were shouted. There was a lot of positive feedback from passersby. At the embassy the protest continued for another hour.

At the embassy

More pictures of the rally can be seen here
To get in touch with Iran Solidarity UK contact

At the embassy

More pictures of the rally can be seen here
To get in touch with Iran Solidarity UK contact
Friday, 14 May 2010
Soliders surrounded Farzad Kamangar's home
Some of the soldiers that have been sent to Kamyaran, Farzad Kamangar's city, for the general strike yesterday are currently surrounding the family's home and filming and photographing anyone leaving or entering the house.
Labour Start's condemnation of Farzad Kamangar's execution
Here is Labour Start's condemnation of Farzad Kamangar's execution. You can see it here.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Protest in Afghanistan against executions
Demonstration in Turkey against executions
Here is a clip of how a demonstration of a few hundred Kurdish people from Turkey marched to the Turkey/Iran border trying to cross over to join the strike in the Kurdish province in Iran yesterday 13 May.
Why Jennifer McCreight would be executed in Iran
Jennifer McCreight, the initiator of Boobquake, has blogged about why she would be executed in Iran. Read it here.
Farzad Kamangar's memorial tomorrow morning
Someone just emailed a leaflet they received in Kamyaran (Farzad Kamangar's hometown) inviting people to Farzad's memorial ceremony tomorrow from 9-11am in Mohammad Rasoolollah Mosque.
I would be executed in Iran if I did this…
I would be executed in Iran if I did this Facebook page
We have all been in love, spoken our minds, joined protests, political groups and campaigns, poked fun at that which is taboo and taken a stand for what we believe in.
The only difference is - depending on where we were born – some of us don’t live to talk about it.
As you may have already heard, on 9 May 2010 four young men and one woman were executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran after being falsely accused, tortured, and charged with ‘enmity against God’ in sham trials. The executions were carried out in secret and without the knowledge of their families or lawyers. Farzad Kamangar (35 year old teacher and trade unionist), Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli (28 years old) and Mehdi Eslamian never even got to call their families to say goodbye.
Tragically, these executions are not new. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the execution capitals of the world and is the only state that continues to execute minors.
The over 130 offences punishable with death in Iran include:
* Sex crimes such as adultery and homosexuality
* Crimes against the state and religion including for enmity against God, corruption on earth, apostasy, heresy and blasphemy
* Acts prohibited under Sharia law such as a third conviction of drinking alcohol, morality crimes like distribution of obscene/pornographic audio-visual materials, public order crimes, and drug-related offences, including for possession.
As I said, it could have easily been you - or me - were it not for this lottery of birth. So what are we going to do about it?
‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence,’ said Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently.
For the many sitting on death row right now for standing up to this vile regime, we must be their defence…
Maryam Namazie
What you can do
* From 13 May onwards join me in protest against the 9 May execution of the five political prisoners in any way you can. Protests have already been taking place in Iran and at Iranian embassies in various cities worldwide, including a successful general strike in Iranian Kurdistan on 13 May. You can join rallies taking place in your city; pass this information on; ask your friends to support the action; write letters of protest; write to the media; raise the issue at events you organise or attend and at your places of work, school and in your neighbourhoods; do acts of solidarity anywhere you can; volunteer; lend your expertise to make publicity materials, translate, fundraise… Demand the expulsion of the regime from its seat in the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women, from the International Labour Organisation and other bodies. Demand that its embassies and consulates be shut down. And call for an end to the death penalty in Iran and everywhere.
* And on 20 June come out onto the streets in full force wherever you are. Start organising rallies or actions where you live or join ones already organised. June 20 is particularly significant because it is the first anniversary of 27 year old Neda Agha-Soltan’s extra-judicial execution in broad daylight by the Islamic regime of Iran at a protest in Tehran. Like Farzad Kamangar and others, all Neda wanted was freedom.
* Click that you ‘like’ the ‘I would be executed in Iran if I did this’ Facebook page.
* Support Iran Solidarity and its demands by signing up to our petition.
* For background information on the 9 May executions click here.
* For resources against the death penalty, click here.
* For background on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Penal Code, which imposes the death penalty for three classes of crime: Qesas, huddud, and ta’zirat, click here.
We have all been in love, spoken our minds, joined protests, political groups and campaigns, poked fun at that which is taboo and taken a stand for what we believe in.
The only difference is - depending on where we were born – some of us don’t live to talk about it.
As you may have already heard, on 9 May 2010 four young men and one woman were executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran after being falsely accused, tortured, and charged with ‘enmity against God’ in sham trials. The executions were carried out in secret and without the knowledge of their families or lawyers. Farzad Kamangar (35 year old teacher and trade unionist), Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli (28 years old) and Mehdi Eslamian never even got to call their families to say goodbye.
Tragically, these executions are not new. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the execution capitals of the world and is the only state that continues to execute minors.
The over 130 offences punishable with death in Iran include:
* Sex crimes such as adultery and homosexuality
* Crimes against the state and religion including for enmity against God, corruption on earth, apostasy, heresy and blasphemy
* Acts prohibited under Sharia law such as a third conviction of drinking alcohol, morality crimes like distribution of obscene/pornographic audio-visual materials, public order crimes, and drug-related offences, including for possession.
As I said, it could have easily been you - or me - were it not for this lottery of birth. So what are we going to do about it?
‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence,’ said Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently.
For the many sitting on death row right now for standing up to this vile regime, we must be their defence…
Maryam Namazie
What you can do
* From 13 May onwards join me in protest against the 9 May execution of the five political prisoners in any way you can. Protests have already been taking place in Iran and at Iranian embassies in various cities worldwide, including a successful general strike in Iranian Kurdistan on 13 May. You can join rallies taking place in your city; pass this information on; ask your friends to support the action; write letters of protest; write to the media; raise the issue at events you organise or attend and at your places of work, school and in your neighbourhoods; do acts of solidarity anywhere you can; volunteer; lend your expertise to make publicity materials, translate, fundraise… Demand the expulsion of the regime from its seat in the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women, from the International Labour Organisation and other bodies. Demand that its embassies and consulates be shut down. And call for an end to the death penalty in Iran and everywhere.
* And on 20 June come out onto the streets in full force wherever you are. Start organising rallies or actions where you live or join ones already organised. June 20 is particularly significant because it is the first anniversary of 27 year old Neda Agha-Soltan’s extra-judicial execution in broad daylight by the Islamic regime of Iran at a protest in Tehran. Like Farzad Kamangar and others, all Neda wanted was freedom.
* Click that you ‘like’ the ‘I would be executed in Iran if I did this’ Facebook page.
* Support Iran Solidarity and its demands by signing up to our petition.
* For background information on the 9 May executions click here.
* For resources against the death penalty, click here.
* For background on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Penal Code, which imposes the death penalty for three classes of crime: Qesas, huddud, and ta’zirat, click here.
Sanandaj, Kurdistan today 13 May
Clashes in some cities in general strike
Baneh, Rabt, Sardasht, Nagdeh, Oshnaviyeh have joined strike.
After the security forces attacked an elderly man in Shushmi area in the town of Nosavad, there have been clashes between people and the security for the past two hours which continues. There are reports that shots have been fired there.
In Dehgalan, there are reports that youth and people have come out in protest; shots have been fired by the security forces and clashes continue.
After the security forces attacked an elderly man in Shushmi area in the town of Nosavad, there have been clashes between people and the security for the past two hours which continues. There are reports that shots have been fired there.
In Dehgalan, there are reports that youth and people have come out in protest; shots have been fired by the security forces and clashes continue.
The regime will be burying the five and not handing over bodies
The families of the five executed political prisoners returned back home without the bodies of their loved ones. The regime has refused to hand over their bodies to their bereaved families. They have told the families that they will inform them of where they have been buried in ten days time whilst adding that they will be buried in a special place given that they were not ‘Muslims.’ The regime is holding their bodies as hostage and has warned the families not to hold memorial ceremonies for them and not to participate in the 13 May general strike.
The regime has also been putting pressure on the families of the executed. Ali Heydarian’s brother was summoned to warn their family not to take part in the strike. Shirin’s mother and sister, and later grandfather, uncle and cousin were arrested and then released on bail.
There are reports that the security forces have come out in full force in the neighbourhood of Farzad Kamangar’s family who have returned home but people are refusing to leave them on their own.
The regime has also been putting pressure on the families of the executed. Ali Heydarian’s brother was summoned to warn their family not to take part in the strike. Shirin’s mother and sister, and later grandfather, uncle and cousin were arrested and then released on bail.
There are reports that the security forces have come out in full force in the neighbourhood of Farzad Kamangar’s family who have returned home but people are refusing to leave them on their own.
Update on 13 May general strike in Iranian Kurdistan
May 13 General Strike Update
Today 13 May, a general strike has been called in Iranian Kurdistan by political opposition groups.
Despite the regime’s unofficial military rule and extensive security to intimidate people, many cities in Kurdistan have joined the general strike.
Reports coming in reveal that Bukan, Saqez, Kamyaran, Mahabad, Divandara and Piranshahr and many parts of Marivan and Sanandaj have joined the strike.
Divandara, Piranshahr and Kamyaran have completely shut down. The regime’s security forces have broken down some store doors and are putting pressure on store owners to open their shops. They are being threatened with losing their business license if they do not reopen.
Many children have not gone to school and it is reported that schools are to shut down at noon despite teachers having been warned to keep schools open on the day.
Many of the shops and workplaces in Miyandoab and surrounding villages have shut down. All of the ones in Marivan and the market and workplaces in Mahabad are shut. People are also not entering government offices for any work they may have. Many streets are completely empty.
Today 13 May, a general strike has been called in Iranian Kurdistan by political opposition groups.
Despite the regime’s unofficial military rule and extensive security to intimidate people, many cities in Kurdistan have joined the general strike.
Reports coming in reveal that Bukan, Saqez, Kamyaran, Mahabad, Divandara and Piranshahr and many parts of Marivan and Sanandaj have joined the strike.
Divandara, Piranshahr and Kamyaran have completely shut down. The regime’s security forces have broken down some store doors and are putting pressure on store owners to open their shops. They are being threatened with losing their business license if they do not reopen.
Many children have not gone to school and it is reported that schools are to shut down at noon despite teachers having been warned to keep schools open on the day.
Many of the shops and workplaces in Miyandoab and surrounding villages have shut down. All of the ones in Marivan and the market and workplaces in Mahabad are shut. People are also not entering government offices for any work they may have. Many streets are completely empty.
On 9 May 2010 execution of Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian
In the early hours of Sunday 9 May 2010, the Islamic regime of Iran executed political prisoners Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian. The four young men and one woman were executed for their political opposition to the regime. Farzad Kamangar was a teacher and human rights activist who was arrested in 2006 and charged with ‘enmity against God’ in a ‘trial’ that lasted seven minutes. Mehdi Islamian was arrested on May 4, 2009 and spent six months in solitary confinement; his brother has also been executed. Shirin Alam Hooli was arrested in May 2008 in Tehran and sentenced to death in November 2009. Ali Heydarian and Farhad Vakili were imprisoned since 2006/2007.
The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed, and despite the fact that three of the cases were under review. The Islamic regime has refused to hand over the bodies of the dead unless their families guarantee that there will be no protests in Iran and abroad.
Since yesterday, thousands have gathered in protests at the Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates in various cities across the globe. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones.
The families of the five had called for a demonstration outside Tehran University in Iran on Monday 10 May, which was attacked by the regime’s security forces. On May 13 a general strike has been called in Iranian Kurdistan and elsewhere. Many are expected to join this day of protest.
Iran Solidarity is outraged at the executions of the five political prisoners as well as the recent execution of 45 Afghan immigrants in Iran and calls on people everywhere to stand in protest against executions in Iran and everywhere by joining the May 13 general strike and ongoing protests at the regime’s embassies or consulates or by carrying out acts of solidarity against executions wherever they are. Another 27 political prisoners are at imminent risk of execution and need public support.
Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently said: ‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence. Please let the world hear my plea.’
12 May 2010 Update
Four days after the heinous executions of Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian, five political prisoners, by the Islamic Republic of Iran their families have still not succeeded in getting the bodies of their loved ones back for burial. The families remain in Tehran going from office to office and building to building in order to get a response. The regime is demanding that the families of the executed give guarantees that there will not be any ‘troubles’ when the bodies are released to them.
Today 12 May, the families of the executed have been standing in front of the Islamic Assembly (Majlis) from early morning. Farzad Kamangar’s lawyer and relatives have informed us that they are still waiting.
Yesterday, in Maku, Shirin’s mother and sister were arrested and subsequently released. In Tehran and in front of Tehran University where protestors had gathered the regime brought out its security in full force and in Iranian Kurdistan it has imposed an unofficial military rule.
The International Committee Against Executions has received news that a warrant has been issued for the arrest of a number of Farzad Kamangar’s family members, namely, Soltaneh Rezaie (mother), Mehrdad Kamangar (brother), Shirin Kamangar (sister), and Javid Kamangar (15 year old nephew).
There is news from Iranian Kurdistan that tensions have heightened there. Thousands of leaflets calling for a general strike on May 13 have been distributed in various cities. Many of the schools in which Farzad was a teacher and in villages around Kamyaran are closed.
According to the latest news from Evin prison, the executed were told of their execution the night before and immediately taken to special cells. Shirin was studying when they came for her. Other prisoners said they heard her shouting and asking for permission to call and say goodbye to her mother, which was not granted. Others in her unit waited for her until morning when the guards came to collect her things and were then told that she had been executed.
On Saturday 8 May at 4pm Farzad spoke to his family though unaware that he was to be executed early May 9.
The regime brutally executed them and now refuses to hand over their bodies. It has even issued arrest warrants for Farzad’s mother and other relatives.
The International Committee against Executions and Iran Solidarity calls on people everywhere to step up their protests against executions and the Islamic regime of Iran and join the May 13 general strike in Kurdistan and elsewhere.
May 13 2010 update
The families of the five executed political prisoners returned back home from Tehran on 13 May without the bodies of their loved ones. The regime has refused to hand over their bodies to their bereaved families. They have told the families that they will inform them of where they have been buried in ten days time whilst adding that they will be buried in a special place given that they were not ‘Muslims.’ The regime is holding their bodies as hostage and has warned the families not to hold memorial ceremonies for them and not to participate in the 13 May general strike.
The regime has also been putting pressure on the families of the executed. Ali Heydarian’s brother was summoned to warn their family not to take part in the strike. Shirin’s mother and sister, and later grandfather, uncle and cousin were arrested and then released on bail.
There are reports that the security forces have come out in full force in the neighbourhood of Farzad Kamangar’s family who have returned home but people are refusing to leave them on their own.
More Background information
Listen to a heartwrenching interview with Farzad, Shirin and Mehdi's lawyer, Khalil Bahramian in Persian on Youtube or see below:
He says he is shocked at the executions; all their files were under review. He breaks down crying when he says Shirin had promised to study; she didn't even speak Persian (but Kurdish). They made up a case against her. He says what has happened is heinous. In five, six minutes they decide to kill someone - it is intolerable.
He goes on to say you killed them - why? For what crime? For setting of bombs - it is a lie and I say it here...
Here is some background information on Farzad Kamangar
Here is a transcript of a conversation Farzad had with his mother in January 2010.
Interview with Farzad Kamangar’s brother after the execution.
Here is a letter from Farzad Kamangar dated November 2006.
Farzad’s letter to his students written in 2008.
Here is a video clip of Farzad with his students on Youtube or below:
Another letter from Farzad on how one is forbidden to write.
Letter from Shirin Alam Hooli.
A letter from Shirin in January 2010.
Shirin Alan Hooli was scheduled to be released.
Letter about 8 May 2010 when three of the political prisoners were called out and never returned.
The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed, and despite the fact that three of the cases were under review. The Islamic regime has refused to hand over the bodies of the dead unless their families guarantee that there will be no protests in Iran and abroad.
Since yesterday, thousands have gathered in protests at the Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates in various cities across the globe. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones.
The families of the five had called for a demonstration outside Tehran University in Iran on Monday 10 May, which was attacked by the regime’s security forces. On May 13 a general strike has been called in Iranian Kurdistan and elsewhere. Many are expected to join this day of protest.
Iran Solidarity is outraged at the executions of the five political prisoners as well as the recent execution of 45 Afghan immigrants in Iran and calls on people everywhere to stand in protest against executions in Iran and everywhere by joining the May 13 general strike and ongoing protests at the regime’s embassies or consulates or by carrying out acts of solidarity against executions wherever they are. Another 27 political prisoners are at imminent risk of execution and need public support.
Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently said: ‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence. Please let the world hear my plea.’
12 May 2010 Update
Four days after the heinous executions of Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian, five political prisoners, by the Islamic Republic of Iran their families have still not succeeded in getting the bodies of their loved ones back for burial. The families remain in Tehran going from office to office and building to building in order to get a response. The regime is demanding that the families of the executed give guarantees that there will not be any ‘troubles’ when the bodies are released to them.
Today 12 May, the families of the executed have been standing in front of the Islamic Assembly (Majlis) from early morning. Farzad Kamangar’s lawyer and relatives have informed us that they are still waiting.
Yesterday, in Maku, Shirin’s mother and sister were arrested and subsequently released. In Tehran and in front of Tehran University where protestors had gathered the regime brought out its security in full force and in Iranian Kurdistan it has imposed an unofficial military rule.
The International Committee Against Executions has received news that a warrant has been issued for the arrest of a number of Farzad Kamangar’s family members, namely, Soltaneh Rezaie (mother), Mehrdad Kamangar (brother), Shirin Kamangar (sister), and Javid Kamangar (15 year old nephew).
There is news from Iranian Kurdistan that tensions have heightened there. Thousands of leaflets calling for a general strike on May 13 have been distributed in various cities. Many of the schools in which Farzad was a teacher and in villages around Kamyaran are closed.
According to the latest news from Evin prison, the executed were told of their execution the night before and immediately taken to special cells. Shirin was studying when they came for her. Other prisoners said they heard her shouting and asking for permission to call and say goodbye to her mother, which was not granted. Others in her unit waited for her until morning when the guards came to collect her things and were then told that she had been executed.
On Saturday 8 May at 4pm Farzad spoke to his family though unaware that he was to be executed early May 9.
The regime brutally executed them and now refuses to hand over their bodies. It has even issued arrest warrants for Farzad’s mother and other relatives.
The International Committee against Executions and Iran Solidarity calls on people everywhere to step up their protests against executions and the Islamic regime of Iran and join the May 13 general strike in Kurdistan and elsewhere.
May 13 2010 update
The families of the five executed political prisoners returned back home from Tehran on 13 May without the bodies of their loved ones. The regime has refused to hand over their bodies to their bereaved families. They have told the families that they will inform them of where they have been buried in ten days time whilst adding that they will be buried in a special place given that they were not ‘Muslims.’ The regime is holding their bodies as hostage and has warned the families not to hold memorial ceremonies for them and not to participate in the 13 May general strike.
The regime has also been putting pressure on the families of the executed. Ali Heydarian’s brother was summoned to warn their family not to take part in the strike. Shirin’s mother and sister, and later grandfather, uncle and cousin were arrested and then released on bail.
There are reports that the security forces have come out in full force in the neighbourhood of Farzad Kamangar’s family who have returned home but people are refusing to leave them on their own.
More Background information
Listen to a heartwrenching interview with Farzad, Shirin and Mehdi's lawyer, Khalil Bahramian in Persian on Youtube or see below:
He says he is shocked at the executions; all their files were under review. He breaks down crying when he says Shirin had promised to study; she didn't even speak Persian (but Kurdish). They made up a case against her. He says what has happened is heinous. In five, six minutes they decide to kill someone - it is intolerable.
He goes on to say you killed them - why? For what crime? For setting of bombs - it is a lie and I say it here...
Here is some background information on Farzad Kamangar
Here is a transcript of a conversation Farzad had with his mother in January 2010.
Interview with Farzad Kamangar’s brother after the execution.
Here is a letter from Farzad Kamangar dated November 2006.
Farzad’s letter to his students written in 2008.
Here is a video clip of Farzad with his students on Youtube or below:
Another letter from Farzad on how one is forbidden to write.
Letter from Shirin Alam Hooli.
A letter from Shirin in January 2010.
Shirin Alan Hooli was scheduled to be released.
Letter about 8 May 2010 when three of the political prisoners were called out and never returned.
Islamic Republic of Iran's Penal Code and the Death Penalty
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Penal Code imposes the death penalty for three classes of crime: Qesas, huddud, and ta’zirat:
Qesas (retribution) is considered punishment ‘equivalent to the crime, which God has prescribed for jinayat (murder or bodily harm).’ Qesas-e nafs (‘retaliation with a life’) is the Islamic term for capital punishment in qatl-e amd (“intentional killing”) and is considered a right conferred to the heirs of the victim. Prosecution, continuation of trial and execution of a Qesas sentence are conditional upon the will of the heirs.
Since Qesas is considered a right conferred by God to the murdered victim’s heirs, the death sentence is mandatory once a conviction for “intentional killing” has been obtained.
Hadd, (plural: huddud. Meaning “boundary or limit”) is a punishment for which “Sharia has fixed the measure, the degree and the method.” It is thus by definition unchangeable,
irreducible and mandatory. Huddud capital crimes consist of three subcategories:
- Sex crimes: These include seven offences under zina (illicit heterosexual sex) including male and female adultery, rape, intercourse with stepmother and relatives with whom marriage is forbidden, and intercourse between a Muslim man and a non-Muslim woman; three under lavat (penetrative male homosexual sex) including consensual intercourse, rape, and intercourse with minors, one under tafkhiz (non-penetrative male homosexual sex) when the ‘active party’ is non-Muslim and the ‘passive party’ is Muslim, and also two under necrophilia.
- Crimes against the state and religion: These include five offences under moharebeh and
mofsade-fil-arz (literally, “fighting God’s ordinances” and “corruption on earth”). They also include two under irtidad (apostasy), witchcraft, heresy and blasphemy which, although not included in the penal code, have always remained applicable under Sharia.
- Recidivism: These include a fourth conviction for non-capital zina (fornication), tafkhiz, mosaheqeh (lesbian sex), qazf (unfounded accusation of zina or lavat), sirqat
(theft), renewed irtidad (apostasy), bestiality, necrophilia, and a third conviction of drinking alcohol.
Since hadd crimes are claims of God, they do not require a private complainant for prosecution (qazf is the only exception). A wife or husband who has been found guilty of adultery is put to death even if their spouse has made no complaint or has opposed the death sentence. The only mitigating circumstance for a hadd death sentence is “repentance,” which only applies to persons whose crimes have been proven in court on the basis of their own confessions. Even then, the judge has the discretion to propose the granting of a pardon or to implement the death sentence.
Iranian law defines ta’zir (plural: ta’zirat. Literally “chastisement”) as punishment imposed for “an act or an omission that is prohibited in the sacred Islamic Sharia.” Ta’zir punishments that are not specified in Sharia and are left to “the discretion of the Islamic judge”. Altogether there are 97 ta’zir capital offenses. They span from acts with potentially lethal consequences, such as attempting to assassinate the Leader to economic crimes such as counterfeiting currency, morality crimes such as extensive distribution of obscene/pornographic audio-visual materials, and public order crimes such as providing improperly baked breads to strike at the regime.
Drug-related capital offenses include trafficking, cultivation, manufacturing, and importing and exporting drugs. People in possession of illicit drugs exceeding certain amounts are also executed, and where the individual has multiple convictions, the narcotics are calculated cumulatively, with the death penalty applied if the total quantity reaches the stated threshold.
Qesas (retribution) is considered punishment ‘equivalent to the crime, which God has prescribed for jinayat (murder or bodily harm).’ Qesas-e nafs (‘retaliation with a life’) is the Islamic term for capital punishment in qatl-e amd (“intentional killing”) and is considered a right conferred to the heirs of the victim. Prosecution, continuation of trial and execution of a Qesas sentence are conditional upon the will of the heirs.
Since Qesas is considered a right conferred by God to the murdered victim’s heirs, the death sentence is mandatory once a conviction for “intentional killing” has been obtained.
Hadd, (plural: huddud. Meaning “boundary or limit”) is a punishment for which “Sharia has fixed the measure, the degree and the method.” It is thus by definition unchangeable,
irreducible and mandatory. Huddud capital crimes consist of three subcategories:
- Sex crimes: These include seven offences under zina (illicit heterosexual sex) including male and female adultery, rape, intercourse with stepmother and relatives with whom marriage is forbidden, and intercourse between a Muslim man and a non-Muslim woman; three under lavat (penetrative male homosexual sex) including consensual intercourse, rape, and intercourse with minors, one under tafkhiz (non-penetrative male homosexual sex) when the ‘active party’ is non-Muslim and the ‘passive party’ is Muslim, and also two under necrophilia.
- Crimes against the state and religion: These include five offences under moharebeh and
mofsade-fil-arz (literally, “fighting God’s ordinances” and “corruption on earth”). They also include two under irtidad (apostasy), witchcraft, heresy and blasphemy which, although not included in the penal code, have always remained applicable under Sharia.
- Recidivism: These include a fourth conviction for non-capital zina (fornication), tafkhiz, mosaheqeh (lesbian sex), qazf (unfounded accusation of zina or lavat), sirqat
(theft), renewed irtidad (apostasy), bestiality, necrophilia, and a third conviction of drinking alcohol.
Since hadd crimes are claims of God, they do not require a private complainant for prosecution (qazf is the only exception). A wife or husband who has been found guilty of adultery is put to death even if their spouse has made no complaint or has opposed the death sentence. The only mitigating circumstance for a hadd death sentence is “repentance,” which only applies to persons whose crimes have been proven in court on the basis of their own confessions. Even then, the judge has the discretion to propose the granting of a pardon or to implement the death sentence.
Iranian law defines ta’zir (plural: ta’zirat. Literally “chastisement”) as punishment imposed for “an act or an omission that is prohibited in the sacred Islamic Sharia.” Ta’zir punishments that are not specified in Sharia and are left to “the discretion of the Islamic judge”. Altogether there are 97 ta’zir capital offenses. They span from acts with potentially lethal consequences, such as attempting to assassinate the Leader to economic crimes such as counterfeiting currency, morality crimes such as extensive distribution of obscene/pornographic audio-visual materials, and public order crimes such as providing improperly baked breads to strike at the regime.
Drug-related capital offenses include trafficking, cultivation, manufacturing, and importing and exporting drugs. People in possession of illicit drugs exceeding certain amounts are also executed, and where the individual has multiple convictions, the narcotics are calculated cumulatively, with the death penalty applied if the total quantity reaches the stated threshold.
Articles against the death penalty
Divinely ordained laws make abolition of the death penalty more difficult, IPS interview with Maryam Namazie.
Capital punishment, the most deplorable form of premeditated murder, Khavaran’s interview with Mansoor Hekmat
Capital punishment, the most deplorable form of premeditated murder, Khavaran’s interview with Mansoor Hekmat
Iran Solidarity Vancouver rally 13 May
Rally in Support of General Strike in Kurdistan
Five political prisoners were executed in Iran on Sunday May 9th, 2010. Kumeleh, the Kurdistan Commitee of Communist Party of Iran called for general Strike in Kurdistan on Thursday May 13th. Worker Communist party, Hekmatist party, Fadayian Agaliat and many other leftist organizations and individuals supported this call for general strike to protest against execution and to stop the machine of murder of Islamic Regime in Iran. Many more people are on death row and more actions required to stop executions in Iran.
Along with thousands of Iranians abroad, a rally is organized on Thursday to support the general strike in Kurdistan and to say no to executions in Iran.
Date: Thursday May 13, 2010, at 6:00 PM
Place: Art Gallery in Downtown Vancouver at Robson side
Facebook: Iran Solidarity – Vancouver
In Farsi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
تظاهرات در حمایت از اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان ایران
سحرگاه ١٩ اردیبهشت ٨٩ (٩ مه ٢٠١٠) جمهوری اسلامی دست به جنایت دیگری زد و پنج زندانی سیاسی٬ فرزاد کمانگر٬ علی حيدريان٬ فرهاد وکيلي٬ شيرين علم هولي و مهدي اسلاميان را در زندان اوين به اتهام محاربه به دار آویخت. کومله، سازمان کردستان حزب کمونیست ایران فراخوان اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان ، برای روز پنجشنبه 13 ماه می، برای اعتراض به این کشتارها را داد. این فراخوان مورد حمایت حزب کمونیست کارگری، حزب حکمتیست، سازمان چریکهای فدایی خلق(اقلیت) و بسیاری از سازمانهای دیگر چپ و فعالین سیاسی قرار گرفت.
برای حمایت از اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان و برای اعتراض به موج اعدامها ( بسیاری در زیر حکم اعدام هستند)، تظاهراتی در روز پنجشنبه همزمان با اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان و بهمراه هزاران نفر از ایرانیان در سرتاسر دنیا سازمان داده شده است. از همه افراد و گروههای سیاسی دعوت می شود که با حضور خود از این اعتصاب سراسری حمایت کنند. میکروفن آزاد برای همه فراهم است تا نظرات خود را در اعتراض به این کشتارها با دیگران شریک شوند.
زمان: روزپنجشنبه 13 ماه می 2010 ساعت 6 بعد ازظهر
مکان: آرت گالری واقع در مرکز شهر ونکور قسمت خیابان رابسون و هورنبی
ایران سولیداریتی – ونکوور
Facebook: Iran Solidarity – Vancouver
Five political prisoners were executed in Iran on Sunday May 9th, 2010. Kumeleh, the Kurdistan Commitee of Communist Party of Iran called for general Strike in Kurdistan on Thursday May 13th. Worker Communist party, Hekmatist party, Fadayian Agaliat and many other leftist organizations and individuals supported this call for general strike to protest against execution and to stop the machine of murder of Islamic Regime in Iran. Many more people are on death row and more actions required to stop executions in Iran.
Along with thousands of Iranians abroad, a rally is organized on Thursday to support the general strike in Kurdistan and to say no to executions in Iran.
Date: Thursday May 13, 2010, at 6:00 PM
Place: Art Gallery in Downtown Vancouver at Robson side
Facebook: Iran Solidarity – Vancouver
In Farsi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
تظاهرات در حمایت از اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان ایران
سحرگاه ١٩ اردیبهشت ٨٩ (٩ مه ٢٠١٠) جمهوری اسلامی دست به جنایت دیگری زد و پنج زندانی سیاسی٬ فرزاد کمانگر٬ علی حيدريان٬ فرهاد وکيلي٬ شيرين علم هولي و مهدي اسلاميان را در زندان اوين به اتهام محاربه به دار آویخت. کومله، سازمان کردستان حزب کمونیست ایران فراخوان اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان ، برای روز پنجشنبه 13 ماه می، برای اعتراض به این کشتارها را داد. این فراخوان مورد حمایت حزب کمونیست کارگری، حزب حکمتیست، سازمان چریکهای فدایی خلق(اقلیت) و بسیاری از سازمانهای دیگر چپ و فعالین سیاسی قرار گرفت.
برای حمایت از اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان و برای اعتراض به موج اعدامها ( بسیاری در زیر حکم اعدام هستند)، تظاهراتی در روز پنجشنبه همزمان با اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان و بهمراه هزاران نفر از ایرانیان در سرتاسر دنیا سازمان داده شده است. از همه افراد و گروههای سیاسی دعوت می شود که با حضور خود از این اعتصاب سراسری حمایت کنند. میکروفن آزاد برای همه فراهم است تا نظرات خود را در اعتراض به این کشتارها با دیگران شریک شوند.
زمان: روزپنجشنبه 13 ماه می 2010 ساعت 6 بعد ازظهر
مکان: آرت گالری واقع در مرکز شهر ونکور قسمت خیابان رابسون و هورنبی
ایران سولیداریتی – ونکوور
Facebook: Iran Solidarity – Vancouver
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Ozlem Murray's act of solidarity
Rally against executions in Iran this Saturday in London

Join the rally to protest against the executions of Farzad Kamangar, Shirin Alam Houli, Farhad Vakili, Ali Heydarian and Mehdi Eslamian and to demand an immediate stop to executions in Iran. Join Iran Solidarity UK and several other organisations this Saturday 15 May!
Assemble on Trafalgar Square at 1pm. At 2pm we will be marching towards the Islamic regime's embassy at 16 Prince's Gate.
Please come and join us against executions in Iran and in solidarity with political prisoners and people in Iran.
Stop executions now!
Solidarity with people in Iran!
Contact us:
mobile 0750 797 8745
Solidarity act opposite IRI embassy
Members of Iran Solidarity UK joined a protest tonight in front of the Islamic regime's embassy in London as an act of solidarity with political prisoners in Iran and against executions. Pictures of the 5 political activists that were executed on Sunday were put on the railings. The protest was attended by about 100 people who kept chanting slogans. Several times people threw 'colour bombs' across the street, over the wall at the embassy.
Heartwrenching interview with lawyer of three of the executed
Listen to a heartwrenching interview with Farzad, Shirin and Mehdi's lawyer, Khalil Bahramian in Persian on Youtube or see below:
He says he is shocked at the executions; all their files were under review. He breaks down crying when he says Shirin had promised to study; she didn't even speak Persian (but Kurdish). They made up a case against her. He says what has happened is heinous. In five, six minutes they decide to kill someone - it is intolerable.
He goes on to say you killed them - why? For what crime? For setting of bombs - it is a lie and I say it here...
Here is some background information on Farzad Kamangar
Here is a transcript of a conversation Farzad had with his mother in January 2010.
Interview with Farzad Kamangar’s brother after the execution.
Here is a letter from Farzad Kamangar dated November 2006.
Farzad’s letter to his students written in 2008.
Here is a video clip of Farzad with his students on Youtube or below:
Another letter from Farzad on how one is forbidden to write.
Letter from Shirin Alam Hooli.
A letter from Shirin in January 2010.
He says he is shocked at the executions; all their files were under review. He breaks down crying when he says Shirin had promised to study; she didn't even speak Persian (but Kurdish). They made up a case against her. He says what has happened is heinous. In five, six minutes they decide to kill someone - it is intolerable.
He goes on to say you killed them - why? For what crime? For setting of bombs - it is a lie and I say it here...
Here is some background information on Farzad Kamangar
Here is a transcript of a conversation Farzad had with his mother in January 2010.
Interview with Farzad Kamangar’s brother after the execution.
Here is a letter from Farzad Kamangar dated November 2006.
Farzad’s letter to his students written in 2008.
Here is a video clip of Farzad with his students on Youtube or below:
Another letter from Farzad on how one is forbidden to write.
Letter from Shirin Alam Hooli.
A letter from Shirin in January 2010.
Update on May 9 executions
Four days after the heinous executions of Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian, five political prisoners, by the Islamic Republic of Iran their families have still not succeeded in getting the bodies of their loved ones back for burial. The families remain in Tehran going from office to office and building to building in order to get a response. The regime is demanding that the families of the executed give guarantees that there will not be any ‘troubles’ when the bodies are released to them.
Today 12 May, the families of the executed have been standing in front of the Islamic Assembly (Majlis) from early morning. Farzad Kamangar’s lawyer and relatives have informed us that they are still waiting.
Yesterday, in Maku, Shirin’s mother and sister were arrested and subsequently released. In Tehran and in front of Tehran University where protestors had gathered the regime brought out its security in full force and in Iranian Kurdistan it has imposed an unofficial military rule.
There is news from Iranian Kurdistan that tensions have heightened there. Thousands of leaflets calling for a general strike on May 13 have been distributed in various cities. Many of the schools in which Farzad was a teacher and in villages around Kamyaran are closed.
According to the latest news from Evin prison, the executed were told of their execution the night before and immediately taken to special cells. Shirin was studying when they came for her. Other prisoners said they heard her shouting and asking for permission to call and say goodbye to her mother, which was not granted. Others in her unit waited for her until morning when the guards came to collect her things and were then told that she had been executed.
On Saturday 8 May at 4pm Farzad spoke to his family though unaware that he was to be executed early May 9.
The regime brutally executed them and now refuses to hand over their bodies. It has even issued arrest warrants for Farzad’s mother and other relatives.
The International Committee against Executions and Iran Solidarity calls on people everywhere to step up their protests against executions and the Islamic regime of Iran and join the May 13 general strike in Kurdistan and elsewhere.
Today 12 May, the families of the executed have been standing in front of the Islamic Assembly (Majlis) from early morning. Farzad Kamangar’s lawyer and relatives have informed us that they are still waiting.
Yesterday, in Maku, Shirin’s mother and sister were arrested and subsequently released. In Tehran and in front of Tehran University where protestors had gathered the regime brought out its security in full force and in Iranian Kurdistan it has imposed an unofficial military rule.
There is news from Iranian Kurdistan that tensions have heightened there. Thousands of leaflets calling for a general strike on May 13 have been distributed in various cities. Many of the schools in which Farzad was a teacher and in villages around Kamyaran are closed.
According to the latest news from Evin prison, the executed were told of their execution the night before and immediately taken to special cells. Shirin was studying when they came for her. Other prisoners said they heard her shouting and asking for permission to call and say goodbye to her mother, which was not granted. Others in her unit waited for her until morning when the guards came to collect her things and were then told that she had been executed.
On Saturday 8 May at 4pm Farzad spoke to his family though unaware that he was to be executed early May 9.
The regime brutally executed them and now refuses to hand over their bodies. It has even issued arrest warrants for Farzad’s mother and other relatives.
The International Committee against Executions and Iran Solidarity calls on people everywhere to step up their protests against executions and the Islamic regime of Iran and join the May 13 general strike in Kurdistan and elsewhere.
Arrest warrants issued for Farzad Kamangar's mother and family members
Today Wednesday 12 May, families of the five executed political prisoners still wait to get the bodies of their loved ones held hostage by the regime. The International Committee Against Executions has received news that a warrant has been issued for the arrest of a number of Farzad Kamangar’s family members, namely, Soltaneh Rezaie (mother), Mehrdad Kamangar (brother), Shirin Kamangar (sister), and Javid Kamangar (15 year old nephew).
Jean Sanvoisin's act of solidarity
Jean Sanvoisin, militant in the CGT trade union in France and of the CCI-T wrote the following:
Like you, I weep blood tears with my friends in France for the cowardly murder of the Five in Téhéran. I am glad that a general strike will occur in Iranian Kurdistan May 13 in memory of them and to continue the struggle against the yet and soon condemned islamic republic. Already in France, our militant action, unfortunately quite limited, will happen in the imminent future. Maybe, tomorrow, I shall send you a public document of some of my friends to be published in a daily regional french newspaper.
I think about another public stands about this horrible murders in Téhéran and the necessity to overthrow such a regime which maintains itself only with the help of local iranian bourgeoisie and support of imperialism including french reactionary one.
Yours for the revolution, as Jack London said.
Like you, I weep blood tears with my friends in France for the cowardly murder of the Five in Téhéran. I am glad that a general strike will occur in Iranian Kurdistan May 13 in memory of them and to continue the struggle against the yet and soon condemned islamic republic. Already in France, our militant action, unfortunately quite limited, will happen in the imminent future. Maybe, tomorrow, I shall send you a public document of some of my friends to be published in a daily regional french newspaper.
I think about another public stands about this horrible murders in Téhéran and the necessity to overthrow such a regime which maintains itself only with the help of local iranian bourgeoisie and support of imperialism including french reactionary one.
Yours for the revolution, as Jack London said.
Fatemollah's act of solidarity
The writer Fatemolla sent this message of solidarity from Canada:
'This devil of theocratic regime must be eliminated. I have high hopes on Iranian youth - they are on the way to change the world.'
'This devil of theocratic regime must be eliminated. I have high hopes on Iranian youth - they are on the way to change the world.'
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Join May 13 General Strike against Executions in Iran
‘Today, my work has just begun,’ mother of executed political prisoner, Farzad Kamangar
‘If we stay silent, these executions will continue,’ Mohammad Amin Kamangar, brother of executed political prisoner Farzad Kamangar
In the early hours of Sunday 9 May 2010, the Islamic regime of Iran executed political prisoners Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian. The four young men and one woman were executed for their political opposition to the regime. Farzad Kamangar was a teacher and human rights activist who was arrested in 2006 and charged with ‘enmity against God’ in a ‘trial’ that lasted seven minutes. Mehdi Islamian was arrested on May 4, 2009 and spent six months in solitary confinement; his brother has also been executed. Shirin Alam Hooli was arrested in May 2008 in Tehran and sentenced to death in November 2009. Ali Heydarian and Farhad Vakili were imprisoned since 2006/2007.
The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed, and despite the fact that three of the cases were under review. The Islamic regime has refused to hand over the bodies of the dead unless their families guarantee that there will be no protests in Iran and abroad.
Since yesterday, thousands have gathered in protests at the Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates in various cities across the globe. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones.
The families of the five had called for a demonstration outside Tehran University in Iran on Monday 10 May, which was attacked by the regime’s security forces. On May 13 a general strike has been called in Iranian Kurdistan and elsewhere. Many are expected to join this day of protest.
Iran Solidarity is outraged at the executions of the five political prisoners as well as the recent execution of 45 Afghan immigrants in Iran and calls on people everywhere to stand in protest against executions in Iran and everywhere by joining the May 13 general strike and ongoing protests at the regime’s embassies or consulates or by carrying out acts of solidarity against executions wherever they are. Another 27 political prisoners are at imminent risk of execution and need public support.
Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently said: ‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence. Please let the world hear my plea.’
1. You can find out about protests in various cities on the Iran Solidarity blog. You can also add your protests here.
2. Join us on 20 June 2010 in London and across the world to break that silence and take a stand against Sharia law and Islamism and in defence of universal rights and secularism. June 20 is particularly poignant because it is the first anniversary of Neda Agha-Soltan’s extra-judicial execution in broad daylight by the Islamic regime of Iran at a protest there. Like Neda, all Farzad Kamangar and the others wanted was freedom. You can find out more about the rally here.
3. Support Iran Solidarity and its demands by signing up to our petition.
4. Join our daily acts of solidarity with the people of Iran. Since Monday July 27, we have organised acts of solidarity EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is easy to join in – just videotape or photograph yourself doing something and send it to us to upload to our blog. You can see other acts here.
5. Set up Iran Solidarity groups in your neighbourhoods, workplaces, universities and cities. So far we have groups in Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Like the solidarity committees during the anti-apartheid era, these committees can be instrumental but we need many more in every city in the world for that to happen.
6. For more information or to send in your daily acts of solidarity, contact:
Maryam Namazie
Iran Solidarity
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
‘If we stay silent, these executions will continue,’ Mohammad Amin Kamangar, brother of executed political prisoner Farzad Kamangar
In the early hours of Sunday 9 May 2010, the Islamic regime of Iran executed political prisoners Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian. The four young men and one woman were executed for their political opposition to the regime. Farzad Kamangar was a teacher and human rights activist who was arrested in 2006 and charged with ‘enmity against God’ in a ‘trial’ that lasted seven minutes. Mehdi Islamian was arrested on May 4, 2009 and spent six months in solitary confinement; his brother has also been executed. Shirin Alam Hooli was arrested in May 2008 in Tehran and sentenced to death in November 2009. Ali Heydarian and Farhad Vakili were imprisoned since 2006/2007.
The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed, and despite the fact that three of the cases were under review. The Islamic regime has refused to hand over the bodies of the dead unless their families guarantee that there will be no protests in Iran and abroad.
Since yesterday, thousands have gathered in protests at the Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates in various cities across the globe. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones.
The families of the five had called for a demonstration outside Tehran University in Iran on Monday 10 May, which was attacked by the regime’s security forces. On May 13 a general strike has been called in Iranian Kurdistan and elsewhere. Many are expected to join this day of protest.
Iran Solidarity is outraged at the executions of the five political prisoners as well as the recent execution of 45 Afghan immigrants in Iran and calls on people everywhere to stand in protest against executions in Iran and everywhere by joining the May 13 general strike and ongoing protests at the regime’s embassies or consulates or by carrying out acts of solidarity against executions wherever they are. Another 27 political prisoners are at imminent risk of execution and need public support.
Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently said: ‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence. Please let the world hear my plea.’
1. You can find out about protests in various cities on the Iran Solidarity blog. You can also add your protests here.
2. Join us on 20 June 2010 in London and across the world to break that silence and take a stand against Sharia law and Islamism and in defence of universal rights and secularism. June 20 is particularly poignant because it is the first anniversary of Neda Agha-Soltan’s extra-judicial execution in broad daylight by the Islamic regime of Iran at a protest there. Like Neda, all Farzad Kamangar and the others wanted was freedom. You can find out more about the rally here.
3. Support Iran Solidarity and its demands by signing up to our petition.
4. Join our daily acts of solidarity with the people of Iran. Since Monday July 27, we have organised acts of solidarity EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is easy to join in – just videotape or photograph yourself doing something and send it to us to upload to our blog. You can see other acts here.
5. Set up Iran Solidarity groups in your neighbourhoods, workplaces, universities and cities. So far we have groups in Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Like the solidarity committees during the anti-apartheid era, these committees can be instrumental but we need many more in every city in the world for that to happen.
6. For more information or to send in your daily acts of solidarity, contact:
Maryam Namazie
Iran Solidarity
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
Protest in Vancouver by Iran Solidarity against executions
Stop the Execution’s Machine of Islamic Regime in Iran
Date: Tuesday May 11, 2010, at 6:00 PM
Place: Art Gallery in Downtown Vancouver at Robson side
The Islamic Regime of Iran executed five political prisoners on Sunday May 9th. Farzad Kamangar a popular teacher along with 4 other prisoners (Ali Heidarian, farhad Vakili, Shirin Alamhuli and Mehdi Eslamian) were hanged in Tehran on charges of membership in anti-government groups as announced by ILNA one of the government websites.
After the successful May day demonstration of workers and teachers and specially the clear platform announced by 10 worker organizations in Iran, Islamic Regime started its execution machine to make sure the revolutionary movement in Iran does not cross the boundary of its Regime.
On Monday, the family of the above prisoners will gather at University of Tehran and a general strike called Kurdistan to protest against these executions. In Solidarity with the family of the above prisoners and along with thousands of people who are protesting in Iran and abroad to stop this machine of murderer Islamic Regime, a rally is organized at Art Gallery on Tuesday. Open mic will be available for all the participants and organizations to express their opinion about the above executions.
Facebook: Iran Solidarity – Vancouver
Date: Tuesday May 11, 2010, at 6:00 PM
Place: Art Gallery in Downtown Vancouver at Robson side
The Islamic Regime of Iran executed five political prisoners on Sunday May 9th. Farzad Kamangar a popular teacher along with 4 other prisoners (Ali Heidarian, farhad Vakili, Shirin Alamhuli and Mehdi Eslamian) were hanged in Tehran on charges of membership in anti-government groups as announced by ILNA one of the government websites.
After the successful May day demonstration of workers and teachers and specially the clear platform announced by 10 worker organizations in Iran, Islamic Regime started its execution machine to make sure the revolutionary movement in Iran does not cross the boundary of its Regime.
On Monday, the family of the above prisoners will gather at University of Tehran and a general strike called Kurdistan to protest against these executions. In Solidarity with the family of the above prisoners and along with thousands of people who are protesting in Iran and abroad to stop this machine of murderer Islamic Regime, a rally is organized at Art Gallery on Tuesday. Open mic will be available for all the participants and organizations to express their opinion about the above executions.
Facebook: Iran Solidarity – Vancouver
Monday, 10 May 2010
Do not let the execute our youngsters

Photos of the five political prisoners executed on May 9, 2010

‘Today, my work has just begun,’ mother of executed political prisoner, Farzad Kamangar, holding his photo.
‘If we stay silent, these executions will continue,’ Mohammad Amin Kamangar, brother of executed political prisoner Farzad Kamangar
In the early hours of Sunday 9 May 2010, the Islamic regime of Iran executed political prisoners Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian. The four men and one woman were executed for their political opposition to the regime. The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed, and despite the fact that three of the cases were under review.
Farzad Kamangar (born 1975) was a teacher and human rights activist who was arrested in 2006 and charged with ‘enmity against God’ in a ‘trial’ that lasted seven minutes. Mehdi Islamian was arrested on May 4, 2009 and spent six months in solitary confinement; his brother has also been executed. Shirin Alam Hooli was arrested in May 2008 in Tehran and sentenced to death in November 2009. Ali Heydarian and Farhad Vakili were imprisoned since 2006/2007.
The families of the five have called for a demonstration outside Tehran University in Iran for Monday 10 May. Many are expected to join the protest. Since yesterday, thousands have gathered in protests at the Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates in various cities across the globe. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators have pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones. Protests will be continuing throughout the week,
Iran Solidarity is outraged at the executions of the five political prisoners as well as the recent execution of 45 Afghan immigrants in Iran and calls on people everywhere to stand in protest against executions in Iran and everywhere by joining gatherings at the regime’s embassies or consulates or by carrying out acts of solidarity against executions wherever they are. Another 27 political prisoners are at imminent risk of execution and need public support.
Farzad Kamangar’s mother recently said: ‘If anyone can do anything, please do. Do not let them execute youngsters en masse. You and the world shall be my defence. Please let the world hear my plea.’
1. You can find out about protests in various cities on the Iran Solidarity blog. You can also add your protests here.
2. Join us on 20 June 2010 to break that silence and take a stand against Sharia law and Islamism and in defence of universal rights and secularism. June 20 is particularly poignant because it is the first anniversary of Neda Agha-Soltan’s cold-blooded murder in broad daylight by the Islamic regime of Iran at a protest there. Like Neda, all Farzad Kamangar and the others wanted was freedom. You can find out more about the rally in Trafalgar Square here.
3. Support Iran Solidarity and its demands by signing up to our petition.
4. Join our daily acts of solidarity with the people of Iran. Since Monday July 27, we have organised acts of solidarity EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is easy to join in – just videotape or photograph yourself doing something and send it to us to upload to our blog. You can see other acts here.
5. Set up Iran Solidarity groups in your neighbourhoods, workplaces, universities and cities. So far we have groups in Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Like the solidarity committees during the anti-apartheid era, these committees can be instrumental but we need many more in every city in the world for that to happen.
6. For more information or to send in your daily acts of solidarity, contact:
Maryam Namazie
Iran Solidarity
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
Farzad Kamangar and 4 other political dissidents executed in Iran
Join the campaign to expel the Islamic regime of Iran from the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
In the early hours of Sunday 9 May, the Islamic authorities in Iran executed Farzad Kamangar and four other political prisoners. Farzad Kamangar was a teacher and a human rights activist, whose release had been the object of high profile campaigns in Iran and internationally over the past two years. The other four political activists who were executed on Sunday in Evin Prison were Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian.
All five had been sentenced to death for their political opposition to the regime. The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed.
The bereaved families of the five have called for a demonstration outside Tehran University for Monday 10 May. Many are expected to join the protest, despite the brutality of the regime. At the time of writing, hundreds of Iranians in Europe have gathered in protest outside Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators have pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones.
These latest political killings are part of the Islamic Republic’s brutal last attempts to cling on to power in the face of the anger, hatred and massive protest of the people in the past year and their clear demand for this despotic, medieval regime to go. However, these executions are not expected to dent the resolve of the people and will only deepen the loathing for this regime in Iran and around the world.
We call on all trade unions and human rights organisations and all those outraged at this barbaric act to condemn the Islamic regime of Iran in the strongest possible terms. In particular, we call on all to join the campaign of expulsion of this regime from the International Labour Organisation (ILO). This regime should not be allowed to seek legitimacy for itself through its continued membership of the ILO. A regime which jails, flogs, tortures and executes workers and political dissidents; a regime which executes children and stones women to death; a regime which shoots at unarmed demonstrators and rapes detained protesters should not be not allowed to set foot in any international body or forum, and least of all in an organisation bearing the name of worker. This regime belongs not in the ILO, but in an international court to answer for its crimes against humanity.
We call on the governing body of the ILO to annul the membership of the Islamic Republic forthwith on grounds of its flagrant violation of human rights and its denial of a human life to workers and the people in Iran. The expulsion of the Islamic regime of Iran from the ILO has been the demand of the workers in Iran, conveyed to the ILO on numerous occasions. It has been the object of repeated protests at the International Labour Conferences by our party’s International Labour Solidarity Committee. The appalling human rights violation by the regime in Iran have been brought to the attention of the ILO through tonnes of evidence submitted to its governing body and various committees by the world’s trade unions, by our party and by worker campaigns and activists year after year. However, unfortunately, the ILO executive has failed to heed these calls.
With the murder of Farzad Kamangar and four other political dissidents today, any bureaucratic excuse for the continued membership of this regime in the ILO becomes totally unacceptable; any diplomatic justification for continued ties with this regime will be viewed with utter disgust by the workers and people in Iran and by the world labour movement and progressive community. We call on the ILO to immediately withdraw its invitation of the government of Iran to the June 2010 International Labour Conference. We call on trade unions globally to support our call and urge the ILO to annul the Islamic Republic’s membership.
Finally, in the event that, despite worldwide protests, the ILO admits the Islamic Republic to the June conference, we call on the workers’ groups and delegates from all countries represented to walk out of any session at which the delegates of the Islamic regime of Iran may be present. As in previous years, our party, on behalf of the workers and people of Iran, who remain unrepresented in the ILO, will mobilise for powerful protests at the conference.
International Labour Solidarity Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran (ILSC-WPI)
Shahla Daneshfar, Coordinator
Bahram Soroush, Public Relations
In the early hours of Sunday 9 May, the Islamic authorities in Iran executed Farzad Kamangar and four other political prisoners. Farzad Kamangar was a teacher and a human rights activist, whose release had been the object of high profile campaigns in Iran and internationally over the past two years. The other four political activists who were executed on Sunday in Evin Prison were Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Houli and Mehdi Eslamian.
All five had been sentenced to death for their political opposition to the regime. The sentences were carried out in secret, without their families or lawyers being informed.
The bereaved families of the five have called for a demonstration outside Tehran University for Monday 10 May. Many are expected to join the protest, despite the brutality of the regime. At the time of writing, hundreds of Iranians in Europe have gathered in protest outside Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates. In London, Paris and Frankfurt angry demonstrators have pelted the buildings with eggs, red paint and stones.
These latest political killings are part of the Islamic Republic’s brutal last attempts to cling on to power in the face of the anger, hatred and massive protest of the people in the past year and their clear demand for this despotic, medieval regime to go. However, these executions are not expected to dent the resolve of the people and will only deepen the loathing for this regime in Iran and around the world.
We call on all trade unions and human rights organisations and all those outraged at this barbaric act to condemn the Islamic regime of Iran in the strongest possible terms. In particular, we call on all to join the campaign of expulsion of this regime from the International Labour Organisation (ILO). This regime should not be allowed to seek legitimacy for itself through its continued membership of the ILO. A regime which jails, flogs, tortures and executes workers and political dissidents; a regime which executes children and stones women to death; a regime which shoots at unarmed demonstrators and rapes detained protesters should not be not allowed to set foot in any international body or forum, and least of all in an organisation bearing the name of worker. This regime belongs not in the ILO, but in an international court to answer for its crimes against humanity.
We call on the governing body of the ILO to annul the membership of the Islamic Republic forthwith on grounds of its flagrant violation of human rights and its denial of a human life to workers and the people in Iran. The expulsion of the Islamic regime of Iran from the ILO has been the demand of the workers in Iran, conveyed to the ILO on numerous occasions. It has been the object of repeated protests at the International Labour Conferences by our party’s International Labour Solidarity Committee. The appalling human rights violation by the regime in Iran have been brought to the attention of the ILO through tonnes of evidence submitted to its governing body and various committees by the world’s trade unions, by our party and by worker campaigns and activists year after year. However, unfortunately, the ILO executive has failed to heed these calls.
With the murder of Farzad Kamangar and four other political dissidents today, any bureaucratic excuse for the continued membership of this regime in the ILO becomes totally unacceptable; any diplomatic justification for continued ties with this regime will be viewed with utter disgust by the workers and people in Iran and by the world labour movement and progressive community. We call on the ILO to immediately withdraw its invitation of the government of Iran to the June 2010 International Labour Conference. We call on trade unions globally to support our call and urge the ILO to annul the Islamic Republic’s membership.
Finally, in the event that, despite worldwide protests, the ILO admits the Islamic Republic to the June conference, we call on the workers’ groups and delegates from all countries represented to walk out of any session at which the delegates of the Islamic regime of Iran may be present. As in previous years, our party, on behalf of the workers and people of Iran, who remain unrepresented in the ILO, will mobilise for powerful protests at the conference.
International Labour Solidarity Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran (ILSC-WPI)
Shahla Daneshfar, Coordinator
Bahram Soroush, Public Relations
Demonstrations today against executions in Iran
برنامه های اعتراض روز دوشنبه ۱۰ مه در شهرها و کشورهای مختلف.
هلند، لاهه
دوشنبه ۱۰ مه از ساعت ۳ تا ۵ بعد از ظهر در مقابل سفارت جمهوری اسلامی در هلند
دانمارک، کپنهاگ
روز دوشنبه ۱۰ مه از ساعت ۶ بعدازظهر تجمع اعتراضی در میدان Rådhusplatsen
بلژیک بروکسل
روز دوشنبه در بروکسل از ساعت ۶ بعدازظهر در مقابل سفارت جمهوری اسلامی
آلمان کلن:
دوشنبه ۱۰ ماه مه ۲۰۱۰ از ساعت ۶ بعدازظهر تجمع اعتراضی در مرکز شهر کلن نزديک ايستگاه قطار مرکزي٬Dom platte
سوئد استکهلم
دوشنبه۱۰ مه ساعت ۵ بعد از ظهرمیدان سرگل استکهلم
پاکستان، اسلام آباد
دوشنبه از ساعت ۱۰ صبح در محل تجمع خبرگزاریها (press cluppress clup)press clup
ایران، تهران:
تجمع خانواده زندانیان سیاسی اعدام شده، روز دوشنبه از ساعتت ۱۱ صبح به همراه خانوده های زندانیان سیاسی و اعدام شدگان در مقابل دانشگاه تهران
هلند، لاهه
دوشنبه ۱۰ مه از ساعت ۳ تا ۵ بعد از ظهر در مقابل سفارت جمهوری اسلامی در هلند
دانمارک، کپنهاگ
روز دوشنبه ۱۰ مه از ساعت ۶ بعدازظهر تجمع اعتراضی در میدان Rådhusplatsen
بلژیک بروکسل
روز دوشنبه در بروکسل از ساعت ۶ بعدازظهر در مقابل سفارت جمهوری اسلامی
آلمان کلن:
دوشنبه ۱۰ ماه مه ۲۰۱۰ از ساعت ۶ بعدازظهر تجمع اعتراضی در مرکز شهر کلن نزديک ايستگاه قطار مرکزي٬Dom platte
سوئد استکهلم
دوشنبه۱۰ مه ساعت ۵ بعد از ظهرمیدان سرگل استکهلم
پاکستان، اسلام آباد
دوشنبه از ساعت ۱۰ صبح در محل تجمع خبرگزاریها (press cluppress clup)press clup
ایران، تهران:
تجمع خانواده زندانیان سیاسی اعدام شده، روز دوشنبه از ساعتت ۱۱ صبح به همراه خانوده های زندانیان سیاسی و اعدام شدگان در مقابل دانشگاه تهران
Sunday, 9 May 2010
FAX your PROTEST - 9th May! Demand the release of Jamal Saberi!
Dear Friends!
The Doro-Chiba (National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba) is holding a conference on Japan’s migrant and refugees’ situation and laws this Sunday 9 May. They will be reading a message from Jamal Saberi, the Iranian political activist who is currently in detention and in danger of being deported to Iran. In the past Jamal Saberi has attended several of these conferences as a speaker on the crimes of the Islamic Regime of Iran and in support of workers, women and human rights in Iran. This time however Jamal who is currently being held in a Tokyo detention centre was only able to send a message to the conference when members of the Doro-Chiba visited him in detention.
Three weeks ago, in that very same detention centre, a 55-year-old woman from the Philippines died as a result of the harsh conditions in the detention centre. She is the third person in as many months to die there.
In support of the conference in Yokohama and in protest at the barbaric treatment of refugees by the Japanese government the Free Jamal Campaign is asking you to send your protest FAX to the office of the Japanese Ministry of Justice on the day of the conference, 9 May.
It is an easy thing to do and will have a huge impact. Japan will see that people around the world are against its brutal treatment of refugees and immigrants and it will also show the Japanese authorities that we are firmly behind the struggle to free Jamal Saberi! So please FAX your protest!
There is also a demonstration in front of the Japanese embassy in Washington DC organised by Mission Free Iran on Sunday at 1pm at 2520 Massachusetts Ave NW.
Please find a sample letter to fax below.
Thank you!
International Federation of Iranian Refugees
Ministry of Justice Fax: +81-3-3592-7393
To: Japanese Ministry of Justice & UNHCR Japan
I am writing to express my strongest concern over the fate of Jalal Amanzade Nouei (aka Jamal Saberi) who is currently in detention in Tokyo and is going to be deported to Iran from Japan.
Mr. Jalal Amanzade Nouei is a well known political opponent of the Islamic Republic of Iran that came to Japan in 1990. In 1992 he joined the Worker-communist Party of Iran [WPI]. Mr. Amanzade Nouei has been politically active with the WPI and the International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) as well as the International Committee Against Executions (ICAE) for the past 18 years in Japan, including printing and distributing WPI literature as well as writing several articles against the Islamic regime of Iran, which have been published in Persian and Japanese magazines and websites. He also has organized and participated in major political activities against the Islamic regime of Iran in Japan.
His lengthy political activities with the WPI, IFIR, and ICAE and against the Islamic regime of Iran have come to the attention of the Iranian authorities.
As laid out in the Geneva convention on the Rights of Refugees (1951) Mr. Jalal Amanzade Nouei can become a refugee “sur place” as a result of his own political actions, such as associating with WPI, IFIR, ICAE and expressing his political views in Japan. His political activities came to the attention of Iranian authorities.
It is well known that the Islamic Republic of Iran has arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and killed Iranians who were forcibly returned to Iran if they had unlawfully departed from the Islamic Republic of Iran, had stayed abroad without authorization, and/or had applied for asylum in another country.
I consider the forcible return of Jalal Amanzade Nouei to Iran a violation of the principle of non-refoulement. This prohibits the forcible return of a person to a country where their life or freedom would be threatened. It is a principle of customary International Law, which binds all states. Japan is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which prohibits torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Mr. Amanzade Nouei clearly fulfils the criteria to be recognised as a refugee as detailed in relevant international instruments. He holds and has expressed opinions not tolerated by the Iranian authorities. His opinions and his relationship to the Iranian opposition organizations which are banned in Iran have come to the attention of the Iranian authorities. He faces a threat to his life or liberty if refouled to Iran.
I urge the Japanese Immigration Authorities to immediately release him and to reconsider its decision and grant him refugee recognition based on his well-founded fear of persecution on the ground of political opinion.
I am awaiting your immediate intervention in this life-threatening situation. Needless to say, UNHCR and the Japanese government will be held accountable for Jamal Saberi's life and freedom.
The Doro-Chiba (National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba) is holding a conference on Japan’s migrant and refugees’ situation and laws this Sunday 9 May. They will be reading a message from Jamal Saberi, the Iranian political activist who is currently in detention and in danger of being deported to Iran. In the past Jamal Saberi has attended several of these conferences as a speaker on the crimes of the Islamic Regime of Iran and in support of workers, women and human rights in Iran. This time however Jamal who is currently being held in a Tokyo detention centre was only able to send a message to the conference when members of the Doro-Chiba visited him in detention.
Three weeks ago, in that very same detention centre, a 55-year-old woman from the Philippines died as a result of the harsh conditions in the detention centre. She is the third person in as many months to die there.
In support of the conference in Yokohama and in protest at the barbaric treatment of refugees by the Japanese government the Free Jamal Campaign is asking you to send your protest FAX to the office of the Japanese Ministry of Justice on the day of the conference, 9 May.
It is an easy thing to do and will have a huge impact. Japan will see that people around the world are against its brutal treatment of refugees and immigrants and it will also show the Japanese authorities that we are firmly behind the struggle to free Jamal Saberi! So please FAX your protest!
There is also a demonstration in front of the Japanese embassy in Washington DC organised by Mission Free Iran on Sunday at 1pm at 2520 Massachusetts Ave NW.
Please find a sample letter to fax below.
Thank you!
International Federation of Iranian Refugees
Ministry of Justice Fax: +81-3-3592-7393
To: Japanese Ministry of Justice & UNHCR Japan
I am writing to express my strongest concern over the fate of Jalal Amanzade Nouei (aka Jamal Saberi) who is currently in detention in Tokyo and is going to be deported to Iran from Japan.
Mr. Jalal Amanzade Nouei is a well known political opponent of the Islamic Republic of Iran that came to Japan in 1990. In 1992 he joined the Worker-communist Party of Iran [WPI]. Mr. Amanzade Nouei has been politically active with the WPI and the International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) as well as the International Committee Against Executions (ICAE) for the past 18 years in Japan, including printing and distributing WPI literature as well as writing several articles against the Islamic regime of Iran, which have been published in Persian and Japanese magazines and websites. He also has organized and participated in major political activities against the Islamic regime of Iran in Japan.
His lengthy political activities with the WPI, IFIR, and ICAE and against the Islamic regime of Iran have come to the attention of the Iranian authorities.
As laid out in the Geneva convention on the Rights of Refugees (1951) Mr. Jalal Amanzade Nouei can become a refugee “sur place” as a result of his own political actions, such as associating with WPI, IFIR, ICAE and expressing his political views in Japan. His political activities came to the attention of Iranian authorities.
It is well known that the Islamic Republic of Iran has arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and killed Iranians who were forcibly returned to Iran if they had unlawfully departed from the Islamic Republic of Iran, had stayed abroad without authorization, and/or had applied for asylum in another country.
I consider the forcible return of Jalal Amanzade Nouei to Iran a violation of the principle of non-refoulement. This prohibits the forcible return of a person to a country where their life or freedom would be threatened. It is a principle of customary International Law, which binds all states. Japan is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which prohibits torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Mr. Amanzade Nouei clearly fulfils the criteria to be recognised as a refugee as detailed in relevant international instruments. He holds and has expressed opinions not tolerated by the Iranian authorities. His opinions and his relationship to the Iranian opposition organizations which are banned in Iran have come to the attention of the Iranian authorities. He faces a threat to his life or liberty if refouled to Iran.
I urge the Japanese Immigration Authorities to immediately release him and to reconsider its decision and grant him refugee recognition based on his well-founded fear of persecution on the ground of political opinion.
I am awaiting your immediate intervention in this life-threatening situation. Needless to say, UNHCR and the Japanese government will be held accountable for Jamal Saberi's life and freedom.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Friday, 7 May 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Bita Ghaedi's deportation cancelled
Message from Bita and Mohsen: DEPORTATION CANCELLED!
Here is a message from Mission Free Iran.
The below is a mail sent by Mohsen at 9:27pm EST on May 4 2010:
Dear all
Bita’s flight has been cancelled at 6.30pm. Home Office had to cancel Bita’s removal direction after it had been ordered by United Kingdom High Court(5pm) and EU Human Right Court(6pm).
I use this opportunity to express our gratitude to all who support us in different occasions all the time. Even though Bita is still in detention centre and it seems there is a long way to get our aim but it is the hardest step that we could successfully pass with your help and I am sure you will support her till the end.
The solicitor Mr Vasoodoven has already asked Home Office to release her and as we are sure they are not going to do that so he will ask for bail court.
We have to collect and prepare all the documents for Oral Hearing set on 21 July.
In the end, thanks for all who had planned to join us for tomorrow demonstration, there won’t be any at the moment.
Your sincerely
Bita & Mohsen
Here is a message from Mission Free Iran.
The below is a mail sent by Mohsen at 9:27pm EST on May 4 2010:
Dear all
Bita’s flight has been cancelled at 6.30pm. Home Office had to cancel Bita’s removal direction after it had been ordered by United Kingdom High Court(5pm) and EU Human Right Court(6pm).
I use this opportunity to express our gratitude to all who support us in different occasions all the time. Even though Bita is still in detention centre and it seems there is a long way to get our aim but it is the hardest step that we could successfully pass with your help and I am sure you will support her till the end.
The solicitor Mr Vasoodoven has already asked Home Office to release her and as we are sure they are not going to do that so he will ask for bail court.
We have to collect and prepare all the documents for Oral Hearing set on 21 July.
In the end, thanks for all who had planned to join us for tomorrow demonstration, there won’t be any at the moment.
Your sincerely
Bita & Mohsen
Stop Bita Ghaedi from being deported today!
IKWRO just sent this in:
Bita Ghaedi is being deported to Iran on Wednesday where she is likely to be executed because she dared exercise her free speech. This is a clear cut case of human rights abuse and the UK government is too busy electioneering to care.
Here is more information on Bita's case.
Join our protest on Wednesday at Heathrow. Details for the protest are here.
If you cannot make the protest, click on the above link for some immediate direct action you can take.
Also, here is another petition in her defence.
Here is an article on her case in the Guardian.
Bita Ghaedi is being deported to Iran on Wednesday where she is likely to be executed because she dared exercise her free speech. This is a clear cut case of human rights abuse and the UK government is too busy electioneering to care.
Here is more information on Bita's case.
Join our protest on Wednesday at Heathrow. Details for the protest are here.
If you cannot make the protest, click on the above link for some immediate direct action you can take.
Also, here is another petition in her defence.
Here is an article on her case in the Guardian.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Mersedeh Ghaedi's act
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