On December 30, 2009, Iran Solidarity organised a march to support the protests of the Iranian people on Dec. 27th in which more than 37 people were killed and to protest against the Islamic regime of Iran. The march went from Park Royal towards the Lions Gate Bridge. This march started at 3:00pm and was covered by CBC. At 12:00pm a representative from Iran Solidarity - Vancouver was interviewed by CBC radio. The following is the link on Youtube for the film.
YOu can find out more about Iran Solidarity Vancouver, here.
Stop the tsunami of executions - add your name!
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Iran Solidarity Melbourne has been formed
Good news: Iran Solidarity has now been formed in Australia.
We, a group of Iranian activists in Melbourne, have united to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people's movement for freedom, democracy and secularism and in doing so, on the 13th of December 2009; officially formed the Melbourne branch of London based humanitarian/political organization Iran Solidarity. As members of Iran Solidarity (Melbourne) and in accordance with the framework and demands of this organization we, with the aid of other branches of Iran Solidarity in Canberra, Adelaide and Sydney, will do our best to actively represent the voice of our people in Melbourne, Australia. In establishing this group we will undertake all responsibilities and activities necessary to ensure that we are a part of a united approach, not just within Australia but across the world in our struggle for the freedom of Iran.
To contact the branch, email: free.pars@yahoo.com.
We, a group of Iranian activists in Melbourne, have united to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people's movement for freedom, democracy and secularism and in doing so, on the 13th of December 2009; officially formed the Melbourne branch of London based humanitarian/political organization Iran Solidarity. As members of Iran Solidarity (Melbourne) and in accordance with the framework and demands of this organization we, with the aid of other branches of Iran Solidarity in Canberra, Adelaide and Sydney, will do our best to actively represent the voice of our people in Melbourne, Australia. In establishing this group we will undertake all responsibilities and activities necessary to ensure that we are a part of a united approach, not just within Australia but across the world in our struggle for the freedom of Iran.
To contact the branch, email: free.pars@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Stop execution of Mosleh Zamani
The Islamic Republic of Iran intends to execute a young man who 6 years ago was imprisoned for having had a sexual relationship with his lover. The execution is to be carried out soon.
Mosleh Zamani was only 17 when he was arrested for having had sex with his girlfriend. Both he and his girlfriend were arrested by police and later sentenced to death by a court in Sanandaj. This sentence has been approved by the Supreme court of the Islamic Republic.
In 2007 the wave of protests from the people of Sanandaj and international Human rights organisations managed to halt the execution. However, the Kurdistan Province authorities have moved Mosleh to Dizel Abad Prison in Kemanshah, in order to be able to execute him away from the public protest.
Mosleh became paralysed once the news was broken to him when they took him to solitary confinement where those on death row are kept before being killed. The state of Kermanshah has unashamedly announced its intention to execute him and some others before Friday 18th December and use him as a deterrent to others.
The world should not remain silent when such gross abuse of human rights occur. Let us not forget that Mosleh was imprisoned in the first place for being in a sexual relationship with his girlfriend. This barbaric act of the Islamic Republic should outrage everyone.
To pressure the Islamic Republic to abandon these barbaric acts, it is the duty of each one of us to raise our voices and join forces to prevent Mosleh’s execution.
Please join us in our struggle for humanity. Write to the regime and let them know you demand an end to his execution.
And most importantly act quickly. Time is running out.
Please inform us of your actions.
International Committee Against Executions (ICAE)
December 16th, 2009
Contact: farshad Hoseini 0031633602627
or Mina Ahadi 00491775692413
With great thanks to Sara Banoo for translation
Mosleh Zamani was only 17 when he was arrested for having had sex with his girlfriend. Both he and his girlfriend were arrested by police and later sentenced to death by a court in Sanandaj. This sentence has been approved by the Supreme court of the Islamic Republic.
In 2007 the wave of protests from the people of Sanandaj and international Human rights organisations managed to halt the execution. However, the Kurdistan Province authorities have moved Mosleh to Dizel Abad Prison in Kemanshah, in order to be able to execute him away from the public protest.
Mosleh became paralysed once the news was broken to him when they took him to solitary confinement where those on death row are kept before being killed. The state of Kermanshah has unashamedly announced its intention to execute him and some others before Friday 18th December and use him as a deterrent to others.
The world should not remain silent when such gross abuse of human rights occur. Let us not forget that Mosleh was imprisoned in the first place for being in a sexual relationship with his girlfriend. This barbaric act of the Islamic Republic should outrage everyone.
To pressure the Islamic Republic to abandon these barbaric acts, it is the duty of each one of us to raise our voices and join forces to prevent Mosleh’s execution.
Please join us in our struggle for humanity. Write to the regime and let them know you demand an end to his execution.
And most importantly act quickly. Time is running out.
Please inform us of your actions.
International Committee Against Executions (ICAE)
December 16th, 2009
Contact: farshad Hoseini 0031633602627
or Mina Ahadi 00491775692413
With great thanks to Sara Banoo for translation
Monday, 14 December 2009
Winter Break
We will be doing acts of solidarity on Saturdays only until January 2010. If you're interested in doing an act in Trafalgar Square or anywhere else for that matter, contact us.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Friday, 11 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
The Formation of an International Bureau for Laicite* Announced
Press Release
For Immediate Release
9 December 2009
A wide number of non governmental organizations and individuals from across Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas have signed a common public statement affirming the nefarious role of fundamentalist politics and the need to counter it internationally.
This charter highlights:
– The flawed ideological bogey of clash of civilizations, the role of public policies leading to greater inequality, and the impact of religious fundamentalisms and right wing identity politics in dividing people locally, nationally and internationally.
– Fundamentalist movements benefit from - A retreat of the state from the social domain that leaves the terrain open to the religious-political outfits to flourish. - Public support from certain groups on the left, that consider fundamentalists as allies in the name of fighting imperialism.
In this overall backdrop the signatories propose the formation of an international initiative called International Bureau for Laicite to act as a facilitating body to network, support and amplify the struggles for secularism.
The charter of International Bureau for Laicite has been released in English, French and Spanish on a day that marks the 104th anniversary of the legislation separating state and religion in France.
The full text of the charter is below or available for public consultation and is open for signatures at the newly created website of International Bureau for Laicite.
Considering that:- The so-called theory of ‘clash of civilisations’ between a ‘Christian West’ on the one hand, and a ‘Muslim Orient’ on the other, is gaining ground, in total disregard of all people the world over, who have been fighting in favour of a political model founded on principles of secularism,
- In the name of defending the ‘right to difference’, numerous states are legitimizing differences of rights between citizens depending on their faith, thereby fueling communalisms,
- With the help of religions, governments try to draw people into warlike confrontations
- In addition to fighting against existing disparities between men and women, women have to unceasingly defend their hard won rights, notably equality in the realm of social and professional rights and bodily rights,
- That, in many countries, the rise of different fundamentalisms has come to increase the subordination of women,
- Despite a movement towards secularisation and the decline of religions, globalisation of neoliberal policies (favoured by the Washington consensus) that emerged in the 80’s, stimulated the march towards privatisation and commoditisation of all human activities, and exacerbated inward looking communalism (the disengagement of the state necessitated the recourse to traditional forms of solidarity, substituting national solidarity with the principle of charity),
- The alliance that a communalized Left does not hesitate to make with religious organisations, in the name of fighting ‘western imperialism’, is damaging, as is the neoliberal disinvestment by the State from the social sphere that has allowed religious organisations to occupy that space
-The current economic crisis has accentuated inequalities and poverty,
- However, there has been a convergence of secularist, feminist and social struggles, everywhere in the world;
The organisations and persons listed below have come together to set up the International Bureau for Laïcite, based on the present resolution, in order to promote secularism internationally.
1. We affirm our commitment to secularism. The principle of secularism, notably the strict separation of State and religion, guarantees the non interference of religion in the sphere of state authority; as well as a real independence of religious and faith based organisations of civil society vis-à-vis the state. Secularism guarantees to citizens the absolute freedom of conscience: the right to believe, the right to disbelieve, the right to change faith, as well as the right to freedom of expression. Consequently, the right to criticize religions is not to be put into question and it takes precedence above all moves to institute ‘defamation of religions and their prophets’ as a crime.
2. We affirm our commitment to the principle of equality and the universality of rights. We believe in a republican conception of citizenship, and we reject all systems which, in the name of particularisms, segment the body politic, either by privileging one category of citizens or by excluding it. Therefore we intend to fight against all forms of discriminations, notably those faced by women and the minorities.
3. We refuse the globalized predatory and destructive neoliberal policies which accentuate pauperisation, whose first victims are women and children; state disengagement fosters the retreat of national solidarity in favour of traditional solidarities of ‘communal’ type. In wake of neoliberalism, we call for the internationalisation of struggles.
On the 9th of December 2009**, we call on organisations and individuals who identify with the principles of this statement to support and sign it, and join us.
*After consultation, we finally resolve to use the French concept/word ‘Laicite’ in the name of our platform. The reason for it is that the word ’secularism’ in English conveys the notion of equal tolerance of the state vis-à-vis all religions, rather than the notion of separation between ‘Churches’/religions and the state as well as the total disinvestment of the state regarding religions, which is embedded into the French concept of laicite. Rare scholars have of late started to use the neologism ‘Laicity’, but we feel that it is not known to activists and to public at large.
** On the 9th of December 1905, France voted the Law of Separation of Churches and State
The founders of the BLI
Coalition for a Secular State, Serbia
Collectif citoyen pour l’égalité et la laïcité (CCIEL), Montréal
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Development Alternatives with Women for A New Era (DAWN), international network
Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran
Iran Solidarity
Iranian Secular Society
MAREA, feminist journal, Genova, Italy
Parti pour la Laïcité et la Démocratie (ex MDSL), Algérie
Protagoras, Croatia
One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain
Organization for Women’s Liberation (OWL), Iran
Secularism Is A Women’s Issue (SIAWI), international network
Union des Familles Laïques (UFAL), France
Women’s Initiative for Citizenship and Universal Rights (WICUR) international network
Women in Black - Belgrade (WIB), Serbia
Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), international network
Zarizana Abul Aziz, lawyer, human rights activist, Malaysia
Samia Allalou, journaliste, Algérie/France
Hakim Arabdiou, militant laïque, France
Soheib Bencheikh, théologien, spécialiste des religions et de la laicité, ancien mufti de Marseille, France
Djemila Benhabib, auteure de « Ma vie à contre-Coran », récipiendaire du Prix des écrivains francophones d’Amérique
Codou Bop, journaliste, Dakar, Sénégal
Caroline Brancher, co-responsable du secteur féminisme et laïcité de l’UFAL, Paris
Ariane Brunet, co-fondatrice de Urgent Action Fund , Montréal
Sonia Correa, co-coordinator of Sexuality Policy Watch and Research Associate at ABIA (Brazilian Interdisciplinary Association for AIDS (Brazil)), Rio De Janeiro.
Yvonne Deutsch, feminist peace activist, Jerusalem
Lalia Ducos, présidente de WICUR, Paris-Alger
Alda Facio, jurist and feminist human rights activist, part of the Campaign for Debaptisation, Costa Rica
Gigi Franscisco, coordinator of the DAWN international network, Manila, The Philippines
Pierre Galand, président du Centre d’action laïque (CAL), Belgique
Nadia Geerts, initiatrice du R.A.P.P.E.L. (le-rappel.be), Belgique
Laura Guidetti, President and co-founder of MAREA, Genova, Italy
Marieme Helie Lucas, fondatrice du WLUML et coordinatrice de SIAWI, Algérie/France
Hameeda Hossein, co-chair of South Asians for Human Rights and Chairperson of Ain o Salish Kendra, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ayesha Imam, Sociologist, human rights activists, Nigeria
Harsh Kapoor, founder of South Asia Citizens Web (sacw.net), France/Inde
Sultana Kamal, lawyer and human rights activist, Executive Director of Ain O’Salish Kendra, Dhakha, Bangladesh,
Cherifa Kheddar, présidente de l’association ” Djazairouna” des Familles Victimes du Terrorisme Islamiste, Algérie
Catherine Kintzler, philosophe de la laïcité, Paris, France
Monica Lanfranco, journalist, co-founder of MAREA, Genova, Italy
Azar Majedi, president of OWL, Iran/U.K
Maryam Namazie, Campaigner, Iran/U.K
Henri Pena Ruiz, philosophe de la laïcité, France
Fariborz Pooya, Iranian Secular Society, Iran/U.K
Venita Popovic, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mary Jane Real, lawyer and human rights activist, Manilla, The Philippines
Rhoda Reddock, feminist historian, Professor at the University of the West Indies at St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Nina Sankari, Présidente de l’Initiative Féministe Européenne (IFE), Pologne
Aisha Shaheed, historian and women’s rights activist,Canada/Pakistan/UK
Mohamed Sifaoui, journaliste, Algérie/France
Fatou Sow, sociologue au CNRS, Dakar, Sénégal
Gila Svirsky, Women In Black, Jerusalem
Lino Veljak, Professor of philosophy, University of Zagreb, founder of PROTAGORAS, Croatia
Vivienne Wee, anthropologist and women’s rights advocate, Singapore and Hong Kong, China
Stasa Zajovic, founder of WIB-Belgrade, coordinator of the Coalition for a Secular State, Serbia
For Immediate Release
9 December 2009
A wide number of non governmental organizations and individuals from across Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas have signed a common public statement affirming the nefarious role of fundamentalist politics and the need to counter it internationally.
This charter highlights:
– The flawed ideological bogey of clash of civilizations, the role of public policies leading to greater inequality, and the impact of religious fundamentalisms and right wing identity politics in dividing people locally, nationally and internationally.
– Fundamentalist movements benefit from - A retreat of the state from the social domain that leaves the terrain open to the religious-political outfits to flourish. - Public support from certain groups on the left, that consider fundamentalists as allies in the name of fighting imperialism.
In this overall backdrop the signatories propose the formation of an international initiative called International Bureau for Laicite to act as a facilitating body to network, support and amplify the struggles for secularism.
The charter of International Bureau for Laicite has been released in English, French and Spanish on a day that marks the 104th anniversary of the legislation separating state and religion in France.
The full text of the charter is below or available for public consultation and is open for signatures at the newly created website of International Bureau for Laicite.
Considering that:- The so-called theory of ‘clash of civilisations’ between a ‘Christian West’ on the one hand, and a ‘Muslim Orient’ on the other, is gaining ground, in total disregard of all people the world over, who have been fighting in favour of a political model founded on principles of secularism,
- In the name of defending the ‘right to difference’, numerous states are legitimizing differences of rights between citizens depending on their faith, thereby fueling communalisms,
- With the help of religions, governments try to draw people into warlike confrontations
- In addition to fighting against existing disparities between men and women, women have to unceasingly defend their hard won rights, notably equality in the realm of social and professional rights and bodily rights,
- That, in many countries, the rise of different fundamentalisms has come to increase the subordination of women,
- Despite a movement towards secularisation and the decline of religions, globalisation of neoliberal policies (favoured by the Washington consensus) that emerged in the 80’s, stimulated the march towards privatisation and commoditisation of all human activities, and exacerbated inward looking communalism (the disengagement of the state necessitated the recourse to traditional forms of solidarity, substituting national solidarity with the principle of charity),
- The alliance that a communalized Left does not hesitate to make with religious organisations, in the name of fighting ‘western imperialism’, is damaging, as is the neoliberal disinvestment by the State from the social sphere that has allowed religious organisations to occupy that space
-The current economic crisis has accentuated inequalities and poverty,
- However, there has been a convergence of secularist, feminist and social struggles, everywhere in the world;
The organisations and persons listed below have come together to set up the International Bureau for Laïcite, based on the present resolution, in order to promote secularism internationally.
1. We affirm our commitment to secularism. The principle of secularism, notably the strict separation of State and religion, guarantees the non interference of religion in the sphere of state authority; as well as a real independence of religious and faith based organisations of civil society vis-à-vis the state. Secularism guarantees to citizens the absolute freedom of conscience: the right to believe, the right to disbelieve, the right to change faith, as well as the right to freedom of expression. Consequently, the right to criticize religions is not to be put into question and it takes precedence above all moves to institute ‘defamation of religions and their prophets’ as a crime.
2. We affirm our commitment to the principle of equality and the universality of rights. We believe in a republican conception of citizenship, and we reject all systems which, in the name of particularisms, segment the body politic, either by privileging one category of citizens or by excluding it. Therefore we intend to fight against all forms of discriminations, notably those faced by women and the minorities.
3. We refuse the globalized predatory and destructive neoliberal policies which accentuate pauperisation, whose first victims are women and children; state disengagement fosters the retreat of national solidarity in favour of traditional solidarities of ‘communal’ type. In wake of neoliberalism, we call for the internationalisation of struggles.
On the 9th of December 2009**, we call on organisations and individuals who identify with the principles of this statement to support and sign it, and join us.
*After consultation, we finally resolve to use the French concept/word ‘Laicite’ in the name of our platform. The reason for it is that the word ’secularism’ in English conveys the notion of equal tolerance of the state vis-à-vis all religions, rather than the notion of separation between ‘Churches’/religions and the state as well as the total disinvestment of the state regarding religions, which is embedded into the French concept of laicite. Rare scholars have of late started to use the neologism ‘Laicity’, but we feel that it is not known to activists and to public at large.
** On the 9th of December 1905, France voted the Law of Separation of Churches and State
The founders of the BLI
Coalition for a Secular State, Serbia
Collectif citoyen pour l’égalité et la laïcité (CCIEL), Montréal
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Development Alternatives with Women for A New Era (DAWN), international network
Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran
Iran Solidarity
Iranian Secular Society
MAREA, feminist journal, Genova, Italy
Parti pour la Laïcité et la Démocratie (ex MDSL), Algérie
Protagoras, Croatia
One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain
Organization for Women’s Liberation (OWL), Iran
Secularism Is A Women’s Issue (SIAWI), international network
Union des Familles Laïques (UFAL), France
Women’s Initiative for Citizenship and Universal Rights (WICUR) international network
Women in Black - Belgrade (WIB), Serbia
Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), international network
Zarizana Abul Aziz, lawyer, human rights activist, Malaysia
Samia Allalou, journaliste, Algérie/France
Hakim Arabdiou, militant laïque, France
Soheib Bencheikh, théologien, spécialiste des religions et de la laicité, ancien mufti de Marseille, France
Djemila Benhabib, auteure de « Ma vie à contre-Coran », récipiendaire du Prix des écrivains francophones d’Amérique
Codou Bop, journaliste, Dakar, Sénégal
Caroline Brancher, co-responsable du secteur féminisme et laïcité de l’UFAL, Paris
Ariane Brunet, co-fondatrice de Urgent Action Fund , Montréal
Sonia Correa, co-coordinator of Sexuality Policy Watch and Research Associate at ABIA (Brazilian Interdisciplinary Association for AIDS (Brazil)), Rio De Janeiro.
Yvonne Deutsch, feminist peace activist, Jerusalem
Lalia Ducos, présidente de WICUR, Paris-Alger
Alda Facio, jurist and feminist human rights activist, part of the Campaign for Debaptisation, Costa Rica
Gigi Franscisco, coordinator of the DAWN international network, Manila, The Philippines
Pierre Galand, président du Centre d’action laïque (CAL), Belgique
Nadia Geerts, initiatrice du R.A.P.P.E.L. (le-rappel.be), Belgique
Laura Guidetti, President and co-founder of MAREA, Genova, Italy
Marieme Helie Lucas, fondatrice du WLUML et coordinatrice de SIAWI, Algérie/France
Hameeda Hossein, co-chair of South Asians for Human Rights and Chairperson of Ain o Salish Kendra, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ayesha Imam, Sociologist, human rights activists, Nigeria
Harsh Kapoor, founder of South Asia Citizens Web (sacw.net), France/Inde
Sultana Kamal, lawyer and human rights activist, Executive Director of Ain O’Salish Kendra, Dhakha, Bangladesh,
Cherifa Kheddar, présidente de l’association ” Djazairouna” des Familles Victimes du Terrorisme Islamiste, Algérie
Catherine Kintzler, philosophe de la laïcité, Paris, France
Monica Lanfranco, journalist, co-founder of MAREA, Genova, Italy
Azar Majedi, president of OWL, Iran/U.K
Maryam Namazie, Campaigner, Iran/U.K
Henri Pena Ruiz, philosophe de la laïcité, France
Fariborz Pooya, Iranian Secular Society, Iran/U.K
Venita Popovic, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mary Jane Real, lawyer and human rights activist, Manilla, The Philippines
Rhoda Reddock, feminist historian, Professor at the University of the West Indies at St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Nina Sankari, Présidente de l’Initiative Féministe Européenne (IFE), Pologne
Aisha Shaheed, historian and women’s rights activist,Canada/Pakistan/UK
Mohamed Sifaoui, journaliste, Algérie/France
Fatou Sow, sociologue au CNRS, Dakar, Sénégal
Gila Svirsky, Women In Black, Jerusalem
Lino Veljak, Professor of philosophy, University of Zagreb, founder of PROTAGORAS, Croatia
Vivienne Wee, anthropologist and women’s rights advocate, Singapore and Hong Kong, China
Stasa Zajovic, founder of WIB-Belgrade, coordinator of the Coalition for a Secular State, Serbia
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Alfonso Cuiffini's act
Activist Alfonso's act took place in Trafalgar Square today. Photos to follow.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Acts of solidarity in several cities in support of people of Iran
To mark Students' Day in Iran and show solidarity with mass protests there against the Islamic regime, there were protests and acts in many cities across the globe. Here are a couple of them:
In Vienna, Austria:
In London, UK:
See photos of acts in Vancouver, Canada, here.
In Vienna, Austria:
In London, UK:
See photos of acts in Vancouver, Canada, here.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity
Writer Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity with the people of Iran. No photo available.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Acts of solidarity by students in Toronto, Canada
Acts of solidarity with the people of Iran by students at York University in Toronto videotaped by Mehran Mahbobi:
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Richard Francis' act of solidarity with the people of Iran
No photo available for Richard Francis' act in support of the people of Iran. On the day, Richard was interviewed by a journalist on the situation in Iran and the aims of Iran Solidarity.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity
Today writer Magnus Nielsen did his act of solidarity with the people of Iran. No photos available of his act.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Monday, 30 November 2009
Patty Debonitas' act of solidarity
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Acts of solidarity in Bensancon, France
Friday, 27 November 2009
Iran Solidarity Toronto's act of solidarity
See video footage of acts of soldiarity at York University in Toronto:
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Issam Shukri's act of solidarity with the people of Iran
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity
Writer Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity took place in Trafalgar Square today; no photos available.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
November 21 rally's act of solidarity with the people of Iran
Friday, 20 November 2009
Children First's act in supoprt of children in Iran in Germany
Children First Now did their act of solidarity with the people of Iran to mark Universal Children's Day in Frankfurt, Germany:
Iran Solidarity's act in Toronto, Canada
To see video footage of acts of solidarity in Toronto, see below:
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Maryam Namazie, Veronika, Muriel Seltmen and Bahar Milani's act of solidarity against Sharia law
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Belinda McKenzie and Esmail Vafa Yaghmaei's act of solidarity
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Muriel Seltman's act of solidarity
Monday, 16 November 2009
Fariborz Pooya's act of solidarity
Iranian Secular Society head Fariborz Pooya did his act of solidarity with the people of Iran today in Trafalgar Square. Photos to follow.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Magnus Nielsen's act of solidarity
Writer Magnus Nielsen did his act of solidarity against Sharia law today. No photo available.
Execution of Shirko Moarefi postponed
International Committee against Executions
Saturday November 14, 2009
Following a wave of protests in Iran and internationally, the execution of Shirko Moarefi, which was due to take place today, Saturday 14 November, in the prison of the town of Saqez, has been postponed for the time being. Shirko has now been transferred back from the quarantine cell to the general ward.
However, the threat of execution still looms large over Shirko and a number of other political prisoners. So the work for the revoking of all the execution sentences continues.
The International Committee against Executions calls on the people of Saqez and other cities in Iran and Kurdistan to protest against the impending executions and to demand the revoking of all the execution sentences. The committee is continuing its international work and calls on everyone to hold protest actions in front of parliaments, in city centres and in other venues across Europe, North America and everywhere.
Saturday November 14, 2009
Following a wave of protests in Iran and internationally, the execution of Shirko Moarefi, which was due to take place today, Saturday 14 November, in the prison of the town of Saqez, has been postponed for the time being. Shirko has now been transferred back from the quarantine cell to the general ward.
However, the threat of execution still looms large over Shirko and a number of other political prisoners. So the work for the revoking of all the execution sentences continues.
The International Committee against Executions calls on the people of Saqez and other cities in Iran and Kurdistan to protest against the impending executions and to demand the revoking of all the execution sentences. The committee is continuing its international work and calls on everyone to hold protest actions in front of parliaments, in city centres and in other venues across Europe, North America and everywhere.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Bahar Milani, Russell Pitcher and Children in Need lads' act of solidarity
Stop execution of Shirko by the Islamic regime of Iran
International Committee against Executions
The following letter (translated by ICAE) was issued by the family of Shirko Moarefi, a 24-year-old political dissident in Iran who is in danger of imminent execution.
Open letter by the family of political prisoner Shirko Moarefi to international bodies and human rights organisations
Shirko Moarefi is in danger of execution. This is the news which we, the Moarefi family, have been repeatedly hearing from the various media in the past two days, and which has raised our concerns a hundred times.
We have also received the news that since Thursday Shirko has been transferred to a single cell of the Ward for the Implementation of Sentences. What other conclusion can we then draw from such news and from stories about the ‘execution team’ remaining in Sanandaj and the impending visit by the Prosecutor General of the Kurdistan Province to Saqez than that everything is working together to send Shirko to the gallows?
Expert lawyers in Iran agree that Shirko has been convicted of war against the Islamic Republic only on the basis of support for a party which has long since given up armed struggle against the Islamic Republic and which has entered a publicity and cultural phase. Furthermore, Shirko’s execution sentence was passed by a court which lasted only for a few minutes. The appeal by his lawyer was unsuccessful and, worse, the sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court.
So we the Moarefi family and relatives request all international bodies and human rights organisations, while defending the basic rights of a political prisoner, to enter into talks with the Islamic Republic regarding the threatened execution of Shirko, convincing the leaders of this government, which has religious claims, not to carry out this sentence.
We the Moarefi family believe that if Shirko has carried out actions which are deemed a crime by the laws of the Islamic Republic, then by the same Islamic laws he could be given a chance; the chance to live again and to be again.
Finally, according to Islamic penal codes, execution is the highest punishment that the judiciary considers for an accused, while kindness and affection are also amongst the most salient features of all divine religions, in particular Islam. We therefore expect that the young people of this land are judged by such affection. Is this too much to ask by an old father and a heartbroken mother?
Moarefi family
Town of Baaneh, Iran
November 13, 2009
The following letter (translated by ICAE) was issued by the family of Shirko Moarefi, a 24-year-old political dissident in Iran who is in danger of imminent execution.
Open letter by the family of political prisoner Shirko Moarefi to international bodies and human rights organisations
Shirko Moarefi is in danger of execution. This is the news which we, the Moarefi family, have been repeatedly hearing from the various media in the past two days, and which has raised our concerns a hundred times.
We have also received the news that since Thursday Shirko has been transferred to a single cell of the Ward for the Implementation of Sentences. What other conclusion can we then draw from such news and from stories about the ‘execution team’ remaining in Sanandaj and the impending visit by the Prosecutor General of the Kurdistan Province to Saqez than that everything is working together to send Shirko to the gallows?
Expert lawyers in Iran agree that Shirko has been convicted of war against the Islamic Republic only on the basis of support for a party which has long since given up armed struggle against the Islamic Republic and which has entered a publicity and cultural phase. Furthermore, Shirko’s execution sentence was passed by a court which lasted only for a few minutes. The appeal by his lawyer was unsuccessful and, worse, the sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court.
So we the Moarefi family and relatives request all international bodies and human rights organisations, while defending the basic rights of a political prisoner, to enter into talks with the Islamic Republic regarding the threatened execution of Shirko, convincing the leaders of this government, which has religious claims, not to carry out this sentence.
We the Moarefi family believe that if Shirko has carried out actions which are deemed a crime by the laws of the Islamic Republic, then by the same Islamic laws he could be given a chance; the chance to live again and to be again.
Finally, according to Islamic penal codes, execution is the highest punishment that the judiciary considers for an accused, while kindness and affection are also amongst the most salient features of all divine religions, in particular Islam. We therefore expect that the young people of this land are judged by such affection. Is this too much to ask by an old father and a heartbroken mother?
Moarefi family
Town of Baaneh, Iran
November 13, 2009
Stop execution of Shirko by Islamic regime of Iran
International Committee against Executions
The following letter (translated by ICAE) was issued by the family of Shirko Moarefi, a 24-year-old political dissident in Iran who is in danger of imminent execution.
Open letter by the family of political prisoner Shirko Moarefi to international bodies and human rights organisations
Shirko Moarefi is in danger of execution. This is the news which we, the Moarefi family, have been repeatedly hearing from the various media in the past two days, and which has raised our concerns a hundred times.
We have also received the news that since Thursday Shirko has been transferred to a single cell of the Ward for the Implementation of Sentences. What other conclusion can we then draw from such news and from stories about the ‘execution team’ remaining in Sanandaj and the impending visit by the Prosecutor General of the Kurdistan Province to Saqez than that everything is working together to send Shirko to the gallows?
Expert lawyers in Iran agree that Shirko has been convicted of war against the Islamic Republic only on the basis of support for a party which has long since given up armed struggle against the Islamic Republic and which has entered a publicity and cultural phase. Furthermore, Shirko’s execution sentence was passed by a court which lasted only for a few minutes. The appeal by his lawyer was unsuccessful and, worse, the sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court.
So we the Moarefi family and relatives request all international bodies and human rights organisations, while defending the basic rights of a political prisoner, to enter into talks with the Islamic Republic regarding the threatened execution of Shirko, convincing the leaders of this government, which has religious claims, not to carry out this sentence.
We the Moarefi family believe that if Shirko has carried out actions which are deemed a crime by the laws of the Islamic Republic, then by the same Islamic laws he could be given a chance; the chance to live again and to be again.
Finally, according to Islamic penal codes, execution is the highest punishment that the judiciary considers for an accused, while kindness and affection are also amongst the most salient features of all divine religions, in particular Islam. We therefore expect that the young people of this land are judged by such affection. Is this too much to ask by an old father and a heartbroken mother?
Moarefi family
Town of Baaneh, Iran
November 13, 2009
The following letter (translated by ICAE) was issued by the family of Shirko Moarefi, a 24-year-old political dissident in Iran who is in danger of imminent execution.
Open letter by the family of political prisoner Shirko Moarefi to international bodies and human rights organisations
Shirko Moarefi is in danger of execution. This is the news which we, the Moarefi family, have been repeatedly hearing from the various media in the past two days, and which has raised our concerns a hundred times.
We have also received the news that since Thursday Shirko has been transferred to a single cell of the Ward for the Implementation of Sentences. What other conclusion can we then draw from such news and from stories about the ‘execution team’ remaining in Sanandaj and the impending visit by the Prosecutor General of the Kurdistan Province to Saqez than that everything is working together to send Shirko to the gallows?
Expert lawyers in Iran agree that Shirko has been convicted of war against the Islamic Republic only on the basis of support for a party which has long since given up armed struggle against the Islamic Republic and which has entered a publicity and cultural phase. Furthermore, Shirko’s execution sentence was passed by a court which lasted only for a few minutes. The appeal by his lawyer was unsuccessful and, worse, the sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court.
So we the Moarefi family and relatives request all international bodies and human rights organisations, while defending the basic rights of a political prisoner, to enter into talks with the Islamic Republic regarding the threatened execution of Shirko, convincing the leaders of this government, which has religious claims, not to carry out this sentence.
We the Moarefi family believe that if Shirko has carried out actions which are deemed a crime by the laws of the Islamic Republic, then by the same Islamic laws he could be given a chance; the chance to live again and to be again.
Finally, according to Islamic penal codes, execution is the highest punishment that the judiciary considers for an accused, while kindness and affection are also amongst the most salient features of all divine religions, in particular Islam. We therefore expect that the young people of this land are judged by such affection. Is this too much to ask by an old father and a heartbroken mother?
Moarefi family
Town of Baaneh, Iran
November 13, 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Maria Hageberg's act of solidarity
See speech of Chair of Network against Honour-Related Violence from Sweden, Maria Hagberg, in Trafalgar Square in support of the people of Iran here:
Toronto's act of solidarity
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Political prisoner Ehsan Fattahian executed today in Iran
According to reliable sources in Iran, political prisoner Ehsan Fattahian was hanged in Sanandaj today.
Despite campaigns on his behalf, he was executed in Sanandaj prison this morning.
Iran Solidarity sends its condolences to Fattahian's family and loved ones, unequivocally condemns the Islamic regime of Iran and calls for a stepping up of efforts to end the death penalty in Iran and everywhere once and for all.
Despite campaigns on his behalf, he was executed in Sanandaj prison this morning.
Iran Solidarity sends its condolences to Fattahian's family and loved ones, unequivocally condemns the Islamic regime of Iran and calls for a stepping up of efforts to end the death penalty in Iran and everywhere once and for all.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Acts of solidarity against the execution of Ehsan Fattahian
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